What are the key pieces of evidence

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Reference no: EM133186684 , Length: word count:1200

The lack of communication between departments.

This issue is important to be because we spend our time creating more issues when we are not all on one accord. As a whole, the entire department is not reaching quota's and/or not effectivley communicating with one another to reach our common goal. We suffer while trying to figure which direction to lean in, which causes missed dates on projects and assignments. Our leaders need a system that helps everyone progress and succeed.

1. Identify a specific audience for your proposal. Include only the group's name here, such as "the city council" or "managers of company X."
2. Describe your audience. Include any important information about their demographics, values, and mission.
3. Why is the problem important to your audience? Provide at least one specific example of how your audience might be affected by this problem.

Source 1
Eads, Denelle . 2017. Staff Development Activities that Address the Real Issue, Communication in the Workplace

1. How will you use information from this source in your proposal? Write 1-2 sentences only.
2. How did you determine that this source is credible? Write 1-2 sentences only.
3. Who: Who are the authors? Be sure to include their credentials.
4. What: What is the main idea? What are the supporting points? What are the key pieces of evidence?
5. When: When was the source published?
6. Where: Where was the source published? Include the specific title of the website, newspaper, or magazine where the source appeared.
7. Why: Why was the source created (what is its purpose)?

Source 2
Palmer, Alex . 4th July 2015. ‘Lack of Recognition Is Top Workplace Communication Error'.
1. How will you use information from this source in your proposal? Write 1-2 sentences only.
2. How did you determine that this source is credible? Write 1-2 sentences only.
3. Who: Who are the authors? Be sure to include their credentials.
4. What: What is the main idea? What are the supporting points? What are the key pieces of evidence?
5. When: When was the source published?
6. Where: Where was the source published? Include the specific title of the website, newspaper, or magazine where the source appeared.
7. Why: Why was the source created (what is its purpose)?

Source 3
Alexia Duvigneau . April 26, 2021. Why Good Communication Between Departments Matters

9. How will you use information from this source in your proposal? Write 1-2 sentences only.
10. How did you determine that this source is credible? Write 1-2 sentences only.
11. Who: Who are the authors? Be sure to include their credentials.
12. What: What is the main idea? What are the supporting points? What are the key pieces of evidence?
13. When: When was the source published?
14. Where: Where was the source published? Include the specific title of the website, newspaper, or magazine where the source appeared.
15. Why: Why was the source created (what is its purpose)?

Source 4
George N. Root. February 05, 2019. The Importance of Communication Between Different Departments in an Organization

1. How will you use information from this source in your proposal? Write 1-2 sentences only.
2. How did you determine that this source is credible? Write 1-2 sentences only.
3. Who: Who are the authors? Be sure to include their credentials.
4. What: What is the main idea? What are the supporting points? What are the key pieces of evidence?
5. When: When was the source published?
6. Where: Where was the source published? Include the specific title of the website, newspaper, or magazine where the source appeared.
7. Why: Why was the source created (what is its purpose)?

Source 5

Forbes Business Council. Mar 28, 2022. 13 Ways To Ensure Regular, Effective Communication Between Departments

1. How will you use information from this source in your proposal? Write 1-2 sentences only.

2. How did you determine that this source is credible? Write 1-2 sentences only.

3. Who: Who are the authors? Be sure to include their credentials.

4. What: What is the main idea? What are the supporting points? What are the key pieces of evidence?

5. When: When was the source published?

6. Where: Where was the source published? Include the specific title of the website, newspaper, or magazine where the source appeared.

7. Why: Why was the source created (what is its purpose)?

General questions.

8. First, discuss the purpose of your sources-do they present information in a persuasive way or an informative way? Then describe the affiliations or positions your sources have and discuss how you identified those affiliations and positions.

9. Discuss the variety of perspectives or opinions that your sources express. Does at least one of your five sources present an argument that opposes or debates your potential solution to the problem you're addressing? Briefly describe some of the different perspectives you found.

10. Discuss how your sources present secondary information. Do they cite sources of their own? How can the claims made in your sources be corroborated for accuracy? Do any of them contain information that you could see being disputed?

Attachment:- Communication.rar

Reference no: EM133186684

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