What are the key leadership practices innovation

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132099467

This assignment requires you to critically analyse the following proposition:

The leadership work done in an organisation has a significant impact on the type and amount of innovation that happens in that organisation

To successfully complete this assignment, you will need to describe and critically analyse specific examples of leadership work and practice that may help innovation to flourish and the types of leadership practice that might impede the development of innovation in organisations.

Key issues that you need to address include, but are not limited to:
- What are the key leadership practices innovation/change; and,
- What are the key leadership practices that hinder innovation/change?

Your argument and conclusions need to emphasise the critical elements of leadership practice that promote innovation/change in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) business environment.

To complete this assignment to a high standard you need to research the peer-reviewed literature extensively, review topics covered in class and reflect on your experience in the workplace.

Please note that it is imperative that you substantiate your claims, which necessitates the extensive use of peer-reviewed literature to support your argument.You will need to read more broadly than the readings suggested in this Unit Guide if you wish to get the most out of this assignment. Searching the Library business databases (e.g., EBSCOHost) will provide you with a wealth of information. You should begin this assignment immediately.

Introduction: 250 words approx: which covers a general framing of the topic.
for example:...Since the beginning of industrialisation in the Western world there has always been a need to be innovative however over the last 50 years the speed and rate of change has been exponential [cite source] through the introduction of new technology and ...

Aim: please dont stray from the wording of the assignment and make up your own version. Use the wording used in the course guide.
for example: ...The aim of this essay is to critically analyse and test the proposition 'leadership work done in an organisation has a significant impact on the type and amount of innovation that happens in that organisation'.

Method: For example 200- 400 worrds
...In order to test this statement, this essay will employ ( an inductive/ deductive/abductive ? method of investigation ) and use [Clawson's?] theoretical model as the lens through which to view two very different case studies in order to identify and explore both the role of leadership and the role of innovation within successful Australialn organisations as well as analysing and comparing and contrasting those organisations and their leaders who have been less successful. The two organisations that have been selected for investigation are both listed companies on the Australian stock exchange and they were both ...

The structure of this essay will firstly introduce each organisations and their respective leaders in turn. This study will then look at the current theories of innovation as they apply to the intrinsic culture of an organisation and then this writer will look at leadership theories and the role that theory suggests leaders must play according in order to ensure that an innovative culture is encouraged, maintained and flourishes. These models and theories will then be overlaid on the organisations being investigated to see how well they support or challenge these notions.

Attachment:- Assessment.rar

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This particular assignment is based on peer review articles and includes leadership case studies. In its presentation, this assignment describes and critically analyses specific leadership work as well as practices that may help innovation to flourish and the types of leadership practices that might impede the development of innovation in the organizations. This assignment has been prepared on Microsoft words document.

Reference no: EM132099467

Questions Cloud

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What are the key leadership practices innovation : What are the key leadership practices innovation/change - What are the key leadership practices that hinder innovation/change
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12/18/2018 1:51:58 AM

see to the files attached 30005477_10021886314524909.pdf 30005420_2Complexity leadership generate.PDF 30005420_3ContentServer.pdf some more 30005453_1HBO682LearningContractGuidev2 S2 2012 1.pdf 30005453_2vol10issue1-paper-03.pdf 30005453_3Cultivating Leadership Practice Cherry 2012.docx see to it also 30005462_1The nature of leadership work Cherry 2012.docx please go through the criteria properly.include leadership case studies , examples and all because i already have less attendance in this subject .so need good grades in this one in this got 26/30 30005490_1Leadership for Innovation ORG800008 DUE 1st.pdf Good work done by team, very much satisfied. I had a good understanding of the topics and got the assignment before due date. Guys be ready for next assignment.


8/30/2018 12:01:07 AM

Please ensure you connect all the key points you have raised in your essay - are wrapped up here – DO NOT INTRODUCE ANY NEW INFORMATION. References: NOT INCLUDED IN WORD COUNT - SEPARATE PAGE ensure you have 1.5 spacing, headers and footers that include your name your student number, and page numbers! 11 point or 11.5 size font.


8/30/2018 12:00:44 AM

Criteria for Evaluation 1. Demonstrated understanding of key concepts of leadership work through the effective use of examples, theory/literature. Choose an organisation (yours or others) 2. The development and presentation of a critical analysis addressing the question being explored. This includes demonstrating how relevant theories apply to practice. 3. Inclusion of references to relevant reading to support arguments/illustrate key issues. 4. Quality of observations, and reflections on your own experience, of leadership work in situations of innovation and uncertainty. 5. Appropriate conclusions/recommendations developed from your argument. 6. Quality of presentation, clarity, readability, structure 7. Quality of referencing (see Blackboard for correct use of Harvard Citation Method). 8. Word count included after References section

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