What are the key advocacy issues or risk factors

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Reference no: EM131165033

Case Study: Billy

Write a 3-page paper that answers the following questions, based on the case provided.

Billy is a 13-year-old Hispanic boy who has a history of delinquent behavior. Billy has resided in five foster care families in the past five years, as a result of his biological parents' rights being terminated by the state after it was discovered they were physically abusing him. Billy was recently arrested for shoplifting and vandalizing cars in his neighborhood. Billy has a history of school issues and was recently caught bringing a pocket knife to school. The neighborhood in which he currently resides averages one to two gang related incidents per week.

In paragraph format, discuss and describe the societal influences that impact Billy's behavior. Explain how these societal influences impact the advocacy you would do for at-risk families or youth. Explain how you would advocate for Billy in both the personal and professional setting by addressing the following questions:

1. What are the key advocacy issues or risk factors impacting this case? List at least three and explain why these are key issues. Make sure to take cultural considerations into account.

2. What should be done to address the advocacy issues? List at least three solutions per issue identified. Be very specific and support your response with at least two sources.

3. Identify any roadblocks that could occur to successful advocacy for this scenario. List and explain at least three roadblocks. Support your response with at least two sources.

4. What are the key legal and ethical considerations relevant to this case? How would you address these considerations?

Reference no: EM131165033

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