What are the issues identify and explain issues

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133320353

Case Study: The Fox Mountain Country Club was a popular location for weddings in a midsized town. The country club offers a free coat check service to its members and guests. A staff member employed by the country club operates the coat check service. The coat checkroom is located just outside the entrance to the club's Crystal Ballroom.

At a wedding held on June 15, Mrs. Kathy Weldo presented her full-length sable coat to the uniformed coat check attendant at the country club. Mrs. Weldo was given a small plastic tag with a number, which she observed corresponded to the number on a coat hanger where her coat was hung. Standing outside the coatroom, Mrs. Weldo had a clear view of her fur as it hung on the coat rack. Mrs. Weldo remarked to the attendant that the coat was "very valuable" and that she hoped the attendant would watch over it carefully.

Upon leaving the club at 1:00 A.M., Mrs. Weldo went to the coat check area to retrieve her coat only to find that it was missing. When she inquired about the coat's location, the coat check attendant apologized profusely but could not explain the coat's disappearance. The attendant stated that he had left the coatroom unattended only twice that evening, one time for a 15-minute dinner break and the other for a 5-minute cigarette break. The door to the coatroom was left open and unlocked during those periods so that guests who left early could retrieve their own coats.

Mrs. Weldo returned to the club the next day to speak to Ms. Miles, the club manager. Ms. Miles pointed to a sign prominently displayed near the coatroom door stating, "The club is not responsible for lost or stolen property." She recommended that Mrs. Weldo refer the matter to her insurance company.

Question 1: What are the Issues? Identify and Explain 5 Issues. Remember Issues are to be in Question Form and are not the same as Facts
Question 2: What was the nature of the bailment relationship in this situation? - Identify and Explain the Legal Terms
Question 3: Did the club exercise reasonable care in the handling of Mrs. Weldo's coat? - Identify and Explain
Question 4: What should the club manager do in the future to avoid situations such as this? Identify and Explain.

Reference no: EM133320353

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