Reference no: EM132995132 , Length: word count:400
Discussion 1 - Effective Ads
Look at this series of ads and discuss the following
How does the ad used attract the following creative elements?
o The attention of the consumer
o The consumer interest in the product
o The credibility of the product
o The consumer's desire to try the product
o The appeal of the message - does it make sense and is it memorable
o The action required on the part of the consumer
o How would you assess its effectiveness?
Please go to the following and read:
We are exposed to many many messages in a day. Is there anything in this article that was interesting to you or surprised you? As a marketer what are the implications of all this exposure to messaging - given that the environment is both cluttered and competing for space with the consumer?
We are listening to a very interesting podcast about how diseases are branded. While the examples don't include what is happening with C19, there are a LOT of parallels. What happens in terms of social marketing when we give names to negative things - tornados, hurricanes, diseases, naming them after people of places?
And what does this say about the implications of branding something so negative? And in particular the resulting association with it that can have very personal and real associations far beyond the original need for "a name"?
Do you see any parallels to the content in this podcast to what is happening today?
Under the Influence with Terry O'Reilly - June 10, 2020: S9E24 - Branding A Disease
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