What are the implications for the organisation

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Reference no: EM133640023

Organisation Design and Management

Essay Questions

Choose one of the following questions.

Identify different aspects of structure in some contemporary firms. What are the implications for the organisation and its stakeholders? Draw on theory and empirical evidence in your answer.

Identify different aspects of employee engagement in some contemporary firms. What are the implications for the organisation and its stakeholders? Draw on theory and empirical evidence in your answer.

Identify different aspects of organisational culture in some contemporary firms. What are the implications for the organisation and its stakeholders? Draw on theory and empirical evidence in your answer.

Please ensure that you answer the question rather than providing a report on Uber, Facebook, Google etc. Use the material from the sessions and the videos in the Course materials folder. These are intended to provide you with a useful foundation of relevant theories, concepts and empirical evidence to help you address the essay question that you have chosen.

Assessment Criteria for the Individual Essay:
Coherent and logical structure
Clearly focused on the chosen essay question/topic
Applies relevant theory and concepts to discuss and explain the issues
Evidence of engaging with empirical evidence
Harvard referencing and citation.

Guide - Organisational Design Essay

Identify different aspects of structure in some contemporary firms. What are the implications for the organisation and its stakeholders? Draw on theory and empirical evidence in your answer.
Define or explain organisational structure (referenced/with citation).
Purpose/need/importance of structure
Identify a firm/firms and explain/describe the organisational structure (simple, functional, divisional decided based on geography or products, matrix, etc.).
Implications of the identified structure for the organisation and its stakeholders (employees, management team, customers, intermediaries, suppliers or any other identified/specific stakeholders)
Relevant theories and empirical evidence (bureaucracy, Fayol's principles of management, contingency management, division of labour, span of control, etc.)
References (Harvard).

Identify different aspects of employee engagement in some contemporary firms. What are the implications for the organisation and its stakeholders? Draw on theory and empirical evidence in your answer.
Define or explain employee engagement (referenced/with citation).
Purpose/need/importance of employee engagement
Identify a firm/firms and explain/describe their use/mode of employee engagement
Implications of the identified use/mode of employee engagement for the organisation and its stakeholders (employees, management team, customers, intermediaries, suppliers or any other identified/specific stakeholders)
Relevant theories and empirical evidence (motivational theories, scientific management, reward management, social exchange theory, psychological contract, etc.)
References (Harvard).

Identify different aspects of organisational culture in some contemporary firms. What are the implications for the organisation and its stakeholders? Draw on theory and empirical evidence in your answer.
Define or explain organisational culture (referenced/with citation).
The various aspects/dimensions of culture (depths of culture, organisational culture profile, etc.)
Purpose/need/importance of organisational culture (link between culture and leadership/management, etc.)
Identify a firm/firms and explain/describe the organisational culture
Implications of the identified culture for the organisation and its stakeholders (employees, management team, shareholders, customers, intermediaries, suppliers or any other identified/specific stakeholders)
Relevant theories and empirical evidence (culture as strategy, regulator, compass, glue, leadership theories, etc)
References (Harvard).

Kindly note the following:
Choose and write on ONLY one of the three questions (structure, employee engagement or culture).
Avoid ‘copying and pasting' in your report.
Make use of reliable academic sources.
Endeavour to finish on time so that you can ask your respective lecturers for assistance with checking your work.
Submission links will be made available to students during the week. So, you may upload your draft work in order to check the similarity index. You may submit when satisfied with the content of your report.

Reference no: EM133640023

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2/11/2024 10:22:16 PM

Need to choose one of the 3 question and to write essay for it . I choose number 3. Identify different aspects of organisational culture in some contemporary firms. What are the implications for the organisation and its stakeholders? Draw on theory and empirical evidence in your answer. The reference need to be in harvest style. Some of the books which need to use are: -Huczynski and Buchanan (2019) Organisational Behaviour -Kotter and Hesketh, 1992 -Hofstede, G. (1990) ‘The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and Theories’, in Wilson,

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