Reference no: EM133678017
HPI: Lac left knee w/ sharpening sheep shears.
Physician Notes:
S: patient suffered a deep laceration (3.5 cm) of the left knee while sharpening sheep shears at school. When examined in the ER, the laceration was found to extend through the skin and subcutaneous tissue, the prepatellar bursa, both layers and about ¾ of the way through the quadriceps tendon on the superior pole of the patella.
O: The wound was thoroughly washed with Betadine scrub solution and was scrubbed with a brush.
Sharp debridement was carried wout the scalpel and scissors to remove all dirt and grit from the grinding wheel. The quadriceps tendon was repaired with #2-0 vicryl in an interrupted, figure- of-eight suture. The patellar bursa was repaired very loosely using #3-0 plain catgut and the skin was then closed using interrupted prolene. Plaster splints were applied after a dressing had been put in place to hold the leg in full extension and to relieve any tension on the quadriceps tendon.
A: Laceration, left knee, with tendon involvement.
P: The patient was given a prescription for Keflex 500 mg and he was given a tetanus toxoid booster. He is to return in 24 hours for exam of the wound, following which he will be referred to a local physician for continued follow up care.
Diagnosis: Deep lac of knee including quadriceps tendon at superior pole of patella
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