What are the historical trends

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM132082800

This assignment is the final paper. Refer to the outline from Module 6 and the feedback that you received from your instructor on the outline as you develop your paper.

The paper should be 4 to 5 pages long (excluding the title and reference page) and contain no fewer than three scholarly references. If, in addition to the three scholarly references, you are using an online reference, the information must be from a reputable source that has authority on the subject (e.g. not Wikipedia).

All fonts should be "Times New Roman" (size 12), and the paper should be double spaced with 1 inch margins on all sides.

A separate section titled "References" should be included that use APA style references.

Topic - Population growth and sustainability:

What are the historical trends? As the world's population grows, should family size be limited in the US and other countries? Why or why not? What are the challenges that exist with your choice?

some references i want you to use Connaughton, Finley, M., & Laura. (2017, December). Population growth debate.

Hinrichs, S. (2005, January 27). Should Government Limit How Many Children You Can Have?

Sergei, S., Sanderson, W. C., & Lutz, W. (2004). The End of World Population Growth in the 21st Century : New Challenges for Human Capital Formation and Sustainable Development.

Attachment:- Refrences.rar

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Although population growth in the 20th and 21st centuries has rocketed, it can be slowed, stopped and reversed. Under the United Nations’ most optimistic scenario, a sustainable reduction in global population could happen within decades. We need to take action to reduce the impact of those of us already here, including through reducing consumption to sustainable levels, increasing re-use and recycling, and technological solutions. This paper discusses about population issues taking place around the world and subsequently provides solutions to control it. This paper is written in Microsoft Word Document File.

Reference no: EM132082800

Questions Cloud

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What are the historical trends : What are the historical trends? As the world's population grows, should family size be limited in the US and other countries? Why or why not?
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Analyze challenges related to assessing individuals : Analyze challenges related to assessing individuals in your assigned age group and describe any special ethical and sociocultural issues.



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