What are the guiding principles of mtss

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Reference no: EM133622375

Homework: MTSS

In preparation for this homework complete the following:

I. Schedule a time to interview a school counselor from your school about their role in MTSS.
II. Review brochures, descriptions of programs, and family information materials related to MTSS at your site.

Prepare 750 to 1,250 words analysis of the implementation of MTSS at your school site. Be sure to address the following in your analysis:

I. Summarize your interview with the school counselor about the implementation of MTSS.

II. Evaluate the materials you gathered about MTSS from your school site.

III. Reflect on your experience(s) with MTSS at your school site with the students.

1. What are the guiding principles of MTSS?
2. What does problem-solving look like with MTSS?
3. What are data-driven systems in MTSS?
4. What is intervention planning?
5. What are the three different types of meetings in MTSS?

Link to valuable information about MTSS.

Reference no: EM133622375

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