What are the goals and benefits of supply chain integration

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13835624

‘Supply Chain Integration Strategy and Issues'


This report must be based on comprehensive literature review from peer reviewed journal articles. You can consider the issues of integration in general or specific to an application area such as agricultural supply chain integration, health care supply chain integration, or logistics integration.

• Introduction of strategy and supply chain integration/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

• Main body of the report

a. What are the goals and benefits of supply chain integration? How can we integrate internally and externally? Discuss six different contexts of integration which are: customer integration, internal integration, supplier integration, technology and planning integration, measurement integration, and relationship integration.

b. What is Bullwhip effect? What causes Bullwhip effect in supply and logistics system? Why is it important to develop strategies to efficiently cope with Bullwhip effect? You can consider using the Beer game simulation example to explain the impact of bullwhip effect.

Reference no: EM13835624

Questions Cloud

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What are the goals and benefits of supply chain integration : What are the goals and benefits of supply chain integration? How can we integrate internally and externally? Discuss six different contexts of integration which are: customer integration and internal integration.
Create and deliver effective oral presentations : Communicate ideas effectively both verbally and in written form using appropriate language. Create and deliver effective oral presentations.
Brokerage firm of balik and kiefer inc : Assume that you recently graduated and have just reported to work as an investment advisor at the brokerage firm of Balik and Kiefer Inc.
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