Reference no: EM133241677
Assignment - Policy & Nursing Case Study
Description - Interpret research, bringing the nursing perspective, alongside perspectives of their administrative colleagues, for policymakers and stakeholders.
Instructions - Consider the following scenario:
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, state Governors took significant steps to protect residents, including the most vulnerable populations, nursing home residents. In Oklahoma, Governor Kevin Stitt issued a policy that required any "staffer" entering a nursing home to produce a negative COVID-19 test result.
Place yourself in the role of a nursing home administrator in this situation, and respond to the following:
What are the gaps in this policy? (Policy is italicized above).
Does scientific evidence support this approach? Why or why not?
Because this is mandated by the state, your facility must comply. Briefly explain how you will ensure compliance while maintaining the integrity of evidence-based practice.
Describe different issues related to environmental scanning
: Describe the different issues related to environmental scanning, strategy formulation, and strategy implementation in diversified organizations
National incident management system
: The use of ICS is mandated by Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD)5 and Presidential Directive (PPD) 8 and the National Incident Management System.
Describe categories of use-routes of administration
: Becker describes categories of use, routes of administration, and moral judgment as important factors in defining "drugs."
Explain impacts of nursing workload on patient needs
: Explain the impacts of nursing workload on patient needs, organizational resources, and staff needs.
What are the gaps in this policy
: Place yourself in the role of a nursing home administrator in this situation, and respond to the following: What are the gaps in this policy
Collaborative relationships with members of health care team
: Share your reflection and feeling as you consider the new professional responsibilities you'll be taking on as you graduate and begin to practice as a certified
Discuss about social and political institutions
: In line with our upcoming topic about Social and Political Institutions; you are going to group yourselves with a maximum members.
Identify one contemporary issue in healthcare
: As part of your professional development, you have set a goal to present at a national conference. The Innovations Contemporary Issues Conference is this year,
Develop a recruitment and selection plan
: Based on information learned in this course, create a Human Resources plan of the steps needed to create a one-person HR department