Reference no: EM131272558
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"Making SMal Big: SMaL Camera Technologies" is a case study of an innovative product that made significant profits in the first year but then quickly was attacked by competitors. This case study discusses the evolution and technology of the product in detail. It ends with five different options for technological and business strategy, along with pros and cons of each strategy. Regarding the "Making SMal Big: SMaL Camera Technologies", case study, answer the following questions in light of the articles studied in Modules 1, 2, 3:
1) Reading-I-1: Profiting from Technological Innovation: Implications for Integration, Collaboration, Licensing, and Public Policy:
a. Does the kit sold to the OEMs have weak or tight appropriability? Explain on both a component and product basis.
b. Regarding each of the major components, which are in the prepardigmatic phase and which are in the paradigmatic phase?
c. Was the product itself in the prepardigmatic phase or in the paradigmatic phase?
d. What assets did they contract and what assets did they integrate?
The innovative camera kit had a quick rise to stardom but then was quickly surrounded by competitors. The article does not say SMaL had failed at this point, just that they were worried about failure, and what would be the best technological strategy to pursue. Do you believe they followed the strategies suggested in Reading-I-1, such as that shown in Exhibit 10, in their initial business strategy? If they did not, what do you think the outcomes would have been if they had?
2) Reading-I-2: How to Put Technology into Corporate Planning:
a. What are the fundamental units of technology in the SMaL camera components?
b. How do these fundamental units of technology apply to Options 2 through 5 described on pages 360-363? For each option, address each component individually.
3) Reading-I-4: Management Criteria for Effective Innovation: Rate SMaL camera innovation with respect to traditional 1990s digital consumer cameras. Address the following:
a. Regarding each component of the camera, what technical constraints were lifted relative to the traditional 1990s digital cameras?
b. Regarding each component of the camera, what technical constraints were added relative to the traditional 1990s digital cameras?
c. Is the end product enhanced by additional technology and components required to make use of the innovation?
d. Is the inventive concept itself diluted or enhanced by the embodiment required?
e. Does the additional embodiment offer opportunity for further inventive enhancement?
4) Reading-II-3: Exploring the Limits of the Technology S-Curve, Part II: Architectural Technologies:
a. At what point on the S-curve is the architectural development of the SMaL camera at the time the article was written?
b. What strategy should be pursued to make this architectural technology successful as suggested by both Reading-II-2 and Reading-II-3?
Review the SBT Essay Rubric located in the "Start Here" section of the course for more information on grading criteria.
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