What are the functional dependencies

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132345588

Normalization Exercise 1:

For each of the following tables
• Convert to a group of tables in first normal form
• Show the primary key of each table
• Show the foreign key of each table (and what table it points to)
Student(StNum,StName,SocSecNum,age, clubs, awards)
Faculty(FacNum,SocSecNum, rank, committees, papers-written)

Consider the following table - Where each project has many employees and each employee works on many projects. Sample data is shown.


             P22   Cyclone   50000  E1001   Joe     12

             P22   Cyclone   50000  E2002   Pat     50

             P21   IMB       20000  E3003   Ed      40

             P21   IMB       20000  E2002   Pat     30

             P21   IMB       20000  E1001   Joe     70

a) What problems do you see keeping all this data in one table?

b) what are the functional dependencies?

c) what is the key? (minimum group of attributes that determine all other attributes)

d) what are the partial dependencies? Is it in 2ndN.form?

Normalization Exercise 2:

Consider the following table- With some sample data shown(assume each order can contain various numbers of different products, but is placed by one customer on one date), and
• determine the functional dependencies
• determine the primary key
• determine if there are any partial dependencies
• convert to 2nd N.F. Show all keys (primary and foreign)


O23  1/1/08  C22    P21      5               7.00     35.00

O23  1/1/08  C22    P25      3              21.00     63.00

O24  1/1/08  C22    P23      3               7.00     21.00

O25  2/1/08  C44    P21      11              7.00     77.00

O25  2/1/08  C44    P28      4              99.00     396.00

025  2/1/08  C44    p25      1              21.00     21.00 

Normalization Exercise 3:

Consider the following table involving course info and the grades given in those courses, and
• determine the functional dependencies
• determine the primary key
• determine if there are any partial dependencies
• convert to 2nd N.F. Show all keys (primary and foreign)


Normalization Exercise 4:

Given the follow table T( A,B,C,D,E,F,G)

Suppose we have the following dependencies:
A+B---> C; A+B--->F; A--> D; A--->E; B--> G

a) What is the primary key? (the minimum attributes that determine all the other attributes)

b) What are the partial dependencies?

c) Convert to set of tables in 2nd N.F. Indicate primary and foreign keys.

Normalization Exercise 5:

Consider the following table (with each order going to a single customer and shipped from one warehouse)

Order(ordNum,date, warehouseNum, warehouseLoc, custNum, custName)

          Or55   1/1/07   w5           NY       C55      Acme

          Or66   1/1/07   w3           WC       C66      IBM

          Or77   4/4/07   w5           NY       C77      Intel

          Or88   4/12/07  w3           WC       C55   Acme

a) What are the functional dependencies of the order table?

b) What is the primary key?

c) Why must it be in 2nd Normal Form?

d) Is it in 3rd Normal Form? Explain (any dependencies not involving candidate keys?)

e) Convert to 3rdN.Form. Indicate primary and foreign keys.

Normalization Exercise 6:

Consider the following table with the given dependencies.
T(A,B,C,D,E,F,G) E->G; B->C,A; D->A,B,C,E,F,G

a) What is the primary key?

b) Why must it be in 2NF? (Why can't there be any partial dependencies)

c) Is it in 3NF (any dependencies involving attributes that are not candidate keys)?

d) Convert to a set of tables in 3NF. Indicate primary and foreign keys.

Normalization Exercise 7:

Consider the following table and dependencies

T(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) D+E---> A,B,C; D-->F;E-->G,H;H-->G

a) What is the key?_______________

b) Are there any partial dependencies? List them!

c) Is T is 2nd Normal form?

d) Convert to a group of tables in 2nd N.F

e) Are the tables in part C in 3rdN.Form? Explain

f) Convert to 3rd N. Form.

Normalization Exercise 8:

Consider the table involving a chain of bookstores, books and publishers
• each branch can sell a book at what ever Selling-price they want
• each book has a (preset, fixed) list price
• each book is published by a single publisher

(BranchNum, BranchAddr, BkNum, Tittle, PubNum, PubName, List-Price, InStock, list-Price, Selling-Price)

a) What are the functional dependencies?

b) If we keep everything in this one table what is the primary key? _______________

c) Is the table in 2nd N.F.? ________

d) List any dependencies which involve part of the primary key (partial dependencies) ?

e) Convert to a set of tables in 2nd N.F. (show the primary key of each table)

f) Is the table in 3rd N.F? _______

g) List any dependencies that don't involve the candidate keys

h) Convert to a set of tables in 3rd N.F. Show all primary and foreign keys

Attachment:- Normalization.rar

Reference no: EM132345588

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