What are the four tiers of the web architecture

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131636394

Introduction to Web Technologies

Question 1: What are the four tiers of the web architecture?

Question 2: List programs for each of the four web tiers that our ubuntu10 VM has installed.

Question 3: What is the difference between a web server and an application server?

Question 4: What is the main function of HTML?

Question 5: What is the main function of HTTP?

Question 6: Why many small companies only use web servers and don't use application servers?

Question 7: Is HTTP a transportation layer protocol or an application protocol?

Question 8: Does JavaScript run in web browsers or on web servers?

Question 9: Can JavaScript access the web browser user's file system?

Question 10: Can JavaScript communicate with the web site where it is downloaded?

Question 11: Can JavaScript communicate with the web site if the JavaScript is not downloaded from the web site?

Question 12: What is the web browser sandbox?

Question 13: Web browser or web server, who generated cookies?

Question 14: When and how are cookies sent to a web server?

Question 15: Can a cookie downloaded from web site A be sent to web site B by a web browser?

Question 16: What is the general structure of an URL?

Question 17: Why we need port numbers in networking?

Question 18: What is the default port number of a web server?

Question 19: How is a domain name mapped to an IP address?

Question 20: Could a server computer have multiple IP addresses?

Question 21: What is the function of domain name localhost?

Question 22: Domain name localhost is mapped to which IP address?

Question 23: How to find your computer's IP address on the Internet?

Question 24: How to find your Linux computer's IP address in your home wireless network?

Question 25: How to find your Windows computer's IP address in your home wireless network?

Question 26: What is the difference between HTML tag name and element?

Question 27: HTML attributes are specified in start tag or end tag?

Question 28: What are the two main HTML mechanisms for supporting interactions between a web browser and a web server?

Question 29: Can a web server initiate a communication with a web browser?

Question 30: What are the two main attributes of HTML's form element and what are their functions?

Question 31: How to create a text field for users to enter a value?

Question 32: How to create a submit button for users to submit the values in an HTML form?

Question 33: What is the meaning of the name attribute of HTML input elements?

Question 34: How to create an HTML hyperlink?

Question 35: When you click on a hyperlink, do you generate an HTTP POST or HTTP GET request?

Question 36: When you click on a submit button of an HTML form, you find your form data appears in the web browser's URL address field. Is your form using method Get or POST?

Question 37: You use an HTML form to check the value of a specific stock. You found the stock price not changing for extended period of time even though you saw on TV that the stock's price had changed. What could be the problem?

Question 38: What are the main differences between HTTP GET and HTTP POST?

Question 39: HTTP GET and HTTP POST, which is more secure?

Question 40: Which HTTP request method can be used to launch buffer overflow attack to a web server?

Question 41: What is an HTTP request's entity body for?

Question 42: What are an HTTP request's header lines for?

Question 43: How can a web browser or a web server know its communication partners capabilities regarding HTTP version and data type support?

Question 44: What is the function of HTTP response header line for "referee"?

Question 45: What is the meaning of a web session?

Question 46: What is web session data?

Question 47: When you shop at Amazon, how does Amazon maintain your session data (products that you have added to your virtual shopping cart)?

Question 48: What are the main mechanisms for supporting session data management?

Question 49: What is web session ID and why its security is important?

Question 50: Which session data management mechanism is relatively more secure?

Question 51: Which session management mechanism is relatively more scalable (supporting huge number of clients' session data without committing proportional amount of resources on the web server)?

Question 52: The life span of a cookie is determined by a web server, a web application, or a web browser?

Question 53: What are the pros and cons when you decide on the life span of a cookie?

Question 54: List all differences between HTTP Get and HTTP POST requests that you observe through this exercise.

Question 55: If you use HTTP GET to submit form data that contains a space, such as "John Jay", how the space is represented in query strings?

Question 56: If you change the action value of the form in "demo/echoGet.html" or "demo/echoPost.html" from "https://localhost:8080/demo/echo" to "/demo/echo", do you see any differences in the behavior of form data submission? (You need to use "sudo gedit echoGet.html" to change the file since the file was created by "root")

Question 57: If you change the action value of the form in "demo/echoGet.html" or "demo/echoPost.html" from "https://localhost:8080/demo/echo" to "/echo", do you see any differences in the behavior of form data submission?

Question 58: If you change the action value of the form in "demo/echoGet.html" or "demo/echoPost.html" from "https://localhost:8080/demo/echo" to "echo", do you see any differences in the behavior of form data submission?

Question 59: Can the web developer determine how long a cookie should be alive on the end users' computer?

Question 60: Is it a good idea to let your web applications' cookies live forever on end users' computers?

Question 61: Can you figure out how to delete all cookies live in your web browser?

Question 62: Can you figure out how to disable cookies for your web browser?

Question 63: Can you figure out where are your cookies saved by your web browser?

Question 64: If your computer has multiple types of web browsers installed, do they share cookies?

Question 65: What type of HTTP request will be used when a user clicks on a hyperlink?

Question 66: Which attribute of HTML form is used to implement JavaScript form data validation?

Question 67: Why JavaScript form data validation is not secure?

Question 68: A JSP page is more like an HTML file or a Java source code file?

Question 69: In JSP, how to retrieve the value that the web browser user has typed in a text field?

Question 70: In JSP how to insert the value of a variable in the HTML file?

Question 71: Is JSP a technology independent of the servlet technology?

Question 72: When are JSP files converted into Java servlet files?

Question 73: What kind of files should be put under folder "WEB-INF"?

Question 74: Where should Java servlet files be located in a servlet web application?

Question 75: Appletes are Java classes to be downloaded to web browsers and run in web browser sandboxes. Should applet files be put under folder "WEB-INF"?

Question 76: What are the main methods that a Java servlet class should have?

Question 77: What are the functions of parameters request and response of servlet methods doGet() and doPost()?

Question 78: What is the main function of servlet methods doGet() and doPost()?

Question 79: What is the main function of configuration file "WEB-INF/web.xml"?

Question 80: What is a welcome file of a web application?

Question 81: What is URL pattern of a servlet?

Question 82: What is the relationship between a JSP page and a servlet class?

Question 83: How to compile a servelt source file "Checkin.java" belonging to Java package "edu.pace"?

Question 84: In your ubuntu10 VM, visit web application https://localhost:8080/bareJsp and study its source files. Explain the function and design of this web application.

Question 85: Develop a JSP web application that displays in a web browser an integer and a submit button. The integer is initially 0. Each time the user clicks on the button, the integer increases by 1.

[Hint: To convert string "12" to integer 12, you can use Java code

int v = 0;

try { v = Integer.parseInt("12"); }

catch (Exception e) { v = 0; }


Question 86: Develop a servlet web application that displays in a web browser an integer and a submit button. The integer is initially 0. Each time the user clicks on the button, the integer increases by 1. [Hint: If you want a servlet to create the default welcome web page, use the servlet's "servlet-name" element value as the value of the "welcome-file" element in file "web.xml". To convert string "12" to integer 12, you can use Java code

int v = 0;

try { v = Integer.parseInt("12"); }

catch (Exception e) { v = 0; }


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Reference no: EM131636394

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