What are the forecasting requirement

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Reference no: EM131841968

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Hard Wood Coals Jim Jam had been a career policeman for the past 25 years having joined the Police Force immediately upon leaving High School. Last March decided that it was time for him to retire and put in his claim for his pension and gratuity. Still very young at 43 years old, Jim Jam decided that he wanted to try his hand at something else, but his difficulty was that he had been a policeman all his life and had no other skills or work experience. In fact the only thing that can perhaps count as work experience was when he accompanied his father to the "coal kiln" when he was a little boy and there he would shovel coal into the bags his father brought along. After exploring all of his options for employment, including security work at an offshore medical School, Jim Jam decided that he will consider starting a small business in the tourist sector but was unsure as to exactly what he will do. One Friday afternoon he ventured into the capital city and was surprised by the large number of Bar BQ grills that lined the streets. His pastime as a young boy, helping his father, suddenly came back to mind as he noticed the large amount of coal that was being used to keep the grill fires burning. Asking around Jim Jam realised that coals was also in great demand, not only for the BBQ grills, but also at the beach bars and many of the tourist restaurants that catered to providing the visitors with an authentic eating Caribbean experience. After much thought he decided, like many others in a similar situation, to go into business producing coals for use in the many grills that operated on the island. Recognising his lack of business experience and knowledge, Jim Jam enrolled in the UWIOC Management Studies program and after studying for two semesters Jim Jam was determined to make a go of it. Business for him was slow at first because of the large number of persons who produced coals, however when the customers realised that the coal that Jim jam provided was of a very high quality and did not burn out quickly, his customers increased as word spread. As a complimentary service Jim Jam also trimmed shrubs, cut down trees and agreed with homeowners to remove their down trees for free, the wood from these trees were also used in his coal production business. Business was good and Jim Jam looked forward to building up a good base of customers and providing a high quality coals

Using these points to answer quuestions do a discussions

How can we asses the quality of Jim services

What are the Forecasting requirement

what inventory decisions he have to make perodically

How important is scheduling

What is the important of quality assurance in the coal business

What are the risk involve in having a permament job vs owing your own job. the trade offs

can Jim expand his business if so how.

Reference no: EM131841968

Questions Cloud

How investing more resources in forecasting and planning : If your boss asked you how investing more resources in forecasting and planning could help the organization compete better.
How should companies manage the issue : Sexual orientation in the workplace is an increasingly important HR issue. How should companies manage this issue?
Discuss the federal register and its purpose : Your boss at the local hospital has asked you to be in charge of staying current on the new policies and laws published in the Federal Register.
What are the portfolio rate of return and variance values : A portfolio has 38 percent of its funds invested in Security C and 62 percent invested in Security D. What are the portfolio rate of return and variance values?
What are the forecasting requirement : Hard Wood Coals Jim Jam had been a career policeman for the past 25 years having joined the Police Force immediately upon leaving High School.
What is npv of the project : You have been hired as a consultant for Pristine Urban-Tech Zither, Inc. (PUTZ), manufacturers of fine zithers. What is the NPV of the project?
Simple interest and the compound bank offers : The Simple bank offers 9% per year with simple interest and the Compound bank offers 8% per year with monthly compounding.
Identify the greatest challenge or asset : In the book Strategic Vision America and the Crisis of Global Power by Zbigniew Brzezinski, he refers to the list of liabilities and assests on America's.
What is a call option and put option : What is a put option? What is a call option?


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