Reference no: EM133114199
In the U.S., the 180-day yield on AAA corporate bonds is 6%. The fixed-rate on a 2-year plain vanilla swap with 180-day settlement periods is priced at 7.08% In Great Britain, the 180-day prime rate is 3%. The fixed-rate on a 2-year plain vanilla swap with 180-day settlement periods is priced at 3.78%. A swap is initiated with a notional value of $ 2,000,000. The spot exchange rate is $1.6 / GBP.
30-days later
The exchange rate is $ 1.5/GBP.
The U.S. AAA yield curve looks like this:
t L0,t
150 6.25%
330 6.50%
510 7.00%
690 7.00%
The British prime yield curve looks like this:
150 3.50%
330 3.80%
510 4.00%
690 4.00%
What are the fixed GBP payments associated with this currency swap (every 180 days until expiration)? GBP _____________(no - or + sign)
The value of the fixed dollar payments arm in the swap, 30 days after initiation, in dollars, is $ . __________
The value of the floating dollar payments arm in the swap, 30 days after initiation, in dollars is $ . __________
The value of the fixed GBP payments arm in the swap, 30 days after initiation, in dollars, is $ ._____________
The value of the floating GBP payments arm in the swap, 30 days after initiation, in dollars is $ ._____________
The value of paying floating dollar AAA yields and receiving fixed GBP prime rates, 30 days after initiation, is .____________
The value of paying floating UK prime rates in GBP and receiving floating U.S. AAA corporate rate in dollars is .____________
Do not use commas to separate thousands and millions. Round your answers to integers.