What are the five buckets of social media activities

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132243093

1. The implementation of an indirect channel is advantageous as

CRM activities can conveniently be controlled by the manufacturer.

Channels are managed through specialized intermediaries.

Intrachannel coordination is minimized.

Channel conflicts are solved by another party.

Direct contact with customers is possible

2. What are the five buckets of social media activities?

Online Interaction, Collaboration, Multimedia, Entertainment and Reviews

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram

Marketing, Finance, Global Strategies, Mobile phones, Internet Use

Mobile Phones, Websites, Tablets, Bluetooth, Text Messages

3. Consumers are no longer _______ recipients of marketing messages, but are actively engaging with firms they buy from, as well as other consumers sharing their own __________.

Passive, personal experiences

Disinterested, behaviors

Motivated, tragedies

Excited, success stories

4. Through the social media landscape, firms can begin to _______, __________ and ______ product and brand performance, as well as sell, highlight and market products to specific audiences, and directly and poignantly plug in to interactions with customers.

Monitor, detect, and build

Guess, analyze, and encourage

Engage, order, and customize

Measure, build, and track

Reference no: EM132243093

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