What are the features of your product or service

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132247297

Sales Management: Consultative Sales Presentation


To develop and submit a presentation outline detailing how you would strategically approach a client that you were trying to sell your services to based on one of the three (3) offer scenarios listed in section B (you decide which product or service you want to represent).

Section A: The Situation

You are the sales lead from your company and you’ve made an appointment with the buyer from a relatively large company that is potentially interested in purchasing your company’s product or service.

You have not met this individual before, and his/her company has never before purchased from your company.

Your task is to effectively tell the prospect about your service and to compel him/her to strongly consider or buy your service as a means to meet their company’s needs.

This is a costly, complex sale that requires a consultative selling approach.

Section B: Potential Product or Service (select from this list)

Moving the prospects financial services office space from a small, older building in midtown NYC to the nearly completed One World Trade building (you work for the broker managing office leases)

Switching the prospects company’s communications supplier (telephone/internet) from FIOS to Time Warner Cable (you represent Time Warner).

The prospect’s company has done work with a local bank in their community for over 40 years. Their business has grown significantly over the past 5 years and they think that there might be some benefits of building a relationship with a large bank as they continue to grow. They are considering several large institutions – including the bank you work for (CitiBank),

Section C: Outline Your Presentation

As the lead salesperson you should have a presentation outline to follow that will serve as the roadmap in making sure that you conduct your meeting in a compelling, informative way that identifies and addresses the buyer’s issues or needs. (Even though you will be delivering your presentation/sales pitch in person, it is imperative that you write down what you plan to say beforehand so that you hit the right points during your meeting.)

Assignment Deliverable: You are to prepare and submit a comprehensive written outline that must be divided into these four sections, with all sub-bullets addressed:


Introduce yourself (state your title and responsibilities) and why you are the right person to be speaking with them about how your company can help them

Thank the client for meeting and for considering your product or service

State why you’re here (the reason for the meeting)


Ask questions to help identify the customers issues/needs/requirements/concerns

State that you have a solution to address these issues

Make the Case

State your value-proposition

Describe your product or service

State the features and benefits of your product or service

Tell them how your product or service is different from the competition, and better

Provide them with the key reasons that you believe your product or service is right for them

Close the Sale

Summarize their issues/needs (you can cite those issues/needs that you believe they will present to you during your Discovery phase above)

Summarize why your product or service addresses those issues/needs

Ask if there is anything else they want to ask or discuss

Ask for the order (determine next steps)

Section D: Preparing for the Presentation Meeting

In preparing for your presentation meeting, and in thinking through your outline, make sure to address the following:

What is the single, overarching objective you’re trying to accomplish at the meeting?

What is your value-proposition, i.e. what’s the key thing that you want to communicate to the buyer so that they will want to buy your product or service?

What are the features of your product or service?

What are the benefits to them of your product or service? (What’s in it for them?)

What questions do you want to ask the buyer so that you fully understand their issues and needs?

What are the potential barriers you could face from the buyer in terms of his/her seriously considering your product or service?

How will you overcome those barriers?

What are the value-adds that you have that make your product or service even more attractive than just the product features itself?

Be ready to close the sale:

Look for the right time

How will you close the sale (what will you say)

Reference no: EM132247297

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