Reference no: EM133489458
Question 1) What is the APA format reference entry for the article?
Dlamini, Mfundo, and Brian Barnard. 2020. "Customer expectation, satisfaction and loyalty: A
study of grocery retail sector in south africa." IUP Journal of Marketing Management 19 (3): 7-62.
Question 2) What are the research questions? Are they looking for a difference, an association, or apredictive relationship?
Dlamini and Barnard (2020) asked two research questions to assist them with understanding satisfaction and outcome from a customer's point of view. The research questions asked are:
Question 1. What are the factors that impact customer satisfaction?
Question 2. To what extent does customer satisfaction determine customer loyalty?
The first research question attempts to determine the association between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The second research question tries to determine if a predictive relationship exists. It tries to predict how much customer satisfaction impacts customer loyalty.
Question 3) Describe the Research Design. Do you feel that this choice was appropriate and why? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the design?'
Dlamini and Barnard (2020) took a quantitative approach to their study. The design they utilize incorporates regression analysis and focuses on correlation and linear regression. It aims at assessing the dependence between the independent and dependent variables being assessed. Surveys are used to collect data, and the survey method is acknowledged as a weakness of the study. They note that geographic challenges and not conveying information appropriately can skew the results of the study.
Question 4) Who are the participants, and how were they selected? Describe both the target population and the sample. If possible, indicate the response rate achieved by the researchers.
Two hundred and eighty samples were collected, which exceeds the 150 researchers would have liked to receive, at a minimum. Dlamini and Barnard (2020) discuss using the snowball method. Sedgwick (2013) states that this method is prone to selection bias. This method is effective, however, when it is difficult to get participants from a specific population, such as that of consumers. Dlamini and Barnard (2020) were specifically targeting individuals that were over 18 and either employed, retired, or student.
Question 5) What are the variable(s) and their measurement scales?
a. Identify key Independent Variables and the level of measurement (Nominal, Ordinal, Scale)
There were several independent variables in this study, including expectations, store atmosphere, service, promotion, and convenience. Each are measured on an ordinal scale.
b. Identify key Dependent Variables and the level of measurement (Nominal,
Ordinal, Scale)
There are 2 dependent variables. They are customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. These are also measured on an ordinal scale.
Question 6) Are there measurement Reliability and Validity studies?
a. How would you know the measurements are reliable? What does the study report? (Remember, reliability is about non-sampling error).
Reliability it not only discussed as something that can impact a customer's experience. It is also used with Cronbach's alpha to test whether the items used in the study are acceptable.
b. How do you know the measurements of the variables are valid? What does the study report?
Dlamini and Barnard (2020) reported that 55 responses were removed because they did not pass reliability and correlation tests. Of the initial 318 responses, 263 were used. This is 83% of the initial participant size.
c. Briefly describe the procedures.
Dlamini and Barnard (2020) discussed the use of Cronbach's alpha in order to determine reliability and validity. Results came down to whether items scored α >= 7. The items that did not scrore α >= 7 were removed from the study.
7) What statistical tests were used? Identify each test used. State why that statistic was chosen (e.g., "the t-test was chosen because the researchers were comparing two group means).