What are the factors that affect the reliability of evidence

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM132974212

1: Under what circumstances would the auditor request the accounts to be adjusted for individually immaterial errors?

2: Explain the term 'materiality' in the context of financial reporting.

3: What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative materiality considerations?

4: What is the significance of materiality in relation to the auditor's objectives when obtaining audit evidence?

5: Describe the two main alternative audit strategies that may be adopted in performing an audit.

6: What is the difference between how the auditor uses materiality at the planning stage and at the final review stage of the audit?

7: Give examples of items that might be included in a management representations letter.

8: What is the difference between a test of control and a substantive test?

9: What are the factors that affect the reliability of evidence?

10: Explain the differences between tracing and vouching as auditing procedures.

Reference no: EM132974212

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