What are the ethical dilemmas that should be considered

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133335056 , Length: 6 pages

Comprehensive Learning Assessment

You have been promoted to director of a mid to large-sized company. You operate in two locations, on the East and West Coast. You currently employ approximately 100 people and you manufacture electromechanical devices used in the medical field. Your company has enjoyed growth and success in previous years with a good market share. Unfortunately, due to the slumbering economy, profits and market share have decreased amid increases in operating expenses. Your job as the new director is to strengthen the company's competitive position.

Please answer the following questions below to communicate your responses:
• What type of strategy would you employ to counteract the decline in profits and market share?
• Would it be an offensive or defensive strategy, or a mix of both?
• Please justify your answer considering the context selected.
• Give details pertaining to the strategy you have chosen: first mover, fast follower, mergers and acquisitions, outsourcing, or strategic alliances.
• What impact did any of the five competitive forces have on your decline?
• What are the ethical dilemmas that should be considered?
• What would you have your management team do specifically?
• What role will they play in the recovery?
• How will you monitor or otherwise ensure that unethical behaviors are minimized?
• What efforts will you incorporate to ensure that you have a strategy for re-training employees, or hiring new employees? Make sure you outline specific goals that your strategy must meet, and how you will measure meeting these goals using quantitative and/or qualitative measurements.


Reference no: EM133335056

Questions Cloud

What decisions lead to higher staff satisfaction surveys : What decisions lead to higher staff satisfaction surveys? Also explain how staff turnover affects a hotel and describe how staff turnover can be controlled
What kind of qualities will you look for in employees : Execute your strategy so that organizational goals are attained. You also identified some competitive forces that may work against you; in your implementation
How do apple goals toward renewable and recycled resources : How do Apple's goals toward renewable and recycled resources support their brand image and differentiate them from competitors?
Who are the leaders in this market : Who are the leaders in this market? What are the major trends in CX and UX design in this industry?
What are the ethical dilemmas that should be considered : What impact did any of the five competitive forces have on your decline and What are the ethical dilemmas that should be considered
Why should the employees be compensated for 2 hours : Based on the information from the Wage & Hour Division fact sheet, should the employees be compensated for the 2 hours? Why or Why not?
Discuss the impacts of climate change on the present : Discuss the impacts of climate change on the present and future safety of workers and the implications for human resource management. Feel free to provide
What are the possible markings required on the packaging : You work for shipping company ABC and your company is shipping 15 bottles of cylinders and 20 crates of lithium batteries. As the dangerous goods rep for your
Effectiveness of communication in how well group functional : Based on the lessons learnt, critically analyze the role and effectiveness of communication in how well the group functioned and performed.


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