What are the ethical considerations for each

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Reference no: EM133370549


1) What are the ethical considerations for each?

2) Indicate which ethical codes (if any) that the studies violate.

3) How could things have been done differently to remedy any ethical violations?

Make sure to refer to the appropriate APA Ethics code (or those for the ethics code for your discipline). Make sure to specify to which code you're referring and begin your paper by stating your discipline.

Case #1

A student proposed to study the effects of alcohol on social behavior. She intends to have consenting adults drink a specified amount of alcohol (not above the legal limit) and then observe willingness to participate in a karaoke bar. She will record things such as how many times they perform, how loudly they sing, what kinds of songs they sing, and so on.

Case #2

A major corporation hires a researcher who has conducted applied research on cognitive errors that result from the way in which a message is presented. Some of her research suggests that consumer brand preferences can be manipulated by techniques that make listeners think they heard something other than what was actually said. The vice president for the marketing division, who is not trained in social or behavioral research, pressures her to incorporate her research findings in the design of a new marketing campaign, which would essential cause confusion among consumers and lead to more sales for the company.

For Case #2, it has been argued that researchers are not ethically responsible for the misinterpretations of their research by others. Do you agree? Why or why not?

Case #3

The Yale Obedience to Authority Study (also known as The Milgram Experiment).

Reference no: EM133370549

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