Reference no: EM132921613
Part A: Written Responses
1. What are the essential elements of a meeting that you need to prepare before conducting a meeting?
2. Explain the roles and responsibilities of the chairperson as a:
a. Facilitator
b. Minute taker
3. How would you distribute the minutes and other meeting documentation within organisational timelines?
4. How would you store the minutes?
Part B: Case Study Scenario: (Please note that for this scenario you may substitute the topic of the meeting with any other topic of your choice. Make sure you get the approval of your assessor first) You have just been appointed as the new human resources manager of AP&C consulting firm. After your appointment, you realised there was no "fire evacuation plan and procedure" in place. You believe you should create such a policy. To do so, you decided it would be more beneficial to get other people involved, so you want to call for a meeting.
1. What type of meeting would you suggest? Why?
2. Identify the meeting objectives
3. How would you develop the agenda for such a meeting?
4. How would you decide who should attend your meeting? What are the considerations?
5. What topics would you include in the agenda?
6. Conduct an informal meeting with your manager (role to be played by your assessor) to gain approval on your idea.
7. Prepare a draft agenda for the formal meeting.
8. What documents would you distribute to participants?
Part C: Role Play
You are required to complete two tasks under this part of the assessment.
Task A: Role-play:
(This is a continuation of Part B) You have prepared for this meeting in Part B above. You need to conduct a formal meeting that you have been planning for. Based on your answers in Part B, the roles of attendees may be assigned to classmates by the assessor.
1. Facilitate the meeting to promote participation.
2. Present for 10 minutes on the importance of your topic
a. Your presentation will be evaluated on the following:
i. Tone
ii. Structure
iii. Style
iv. Addressing learning styles (VAK)
v. One handout about the presentation. This could be a general sheet, additional resources, an example policy, etc.
vi. Providing opportunities for attendees to ask questions. At least one participant must ask a question.
vii. Provide an evaluation form to attendees to evaluate your presentation. This can be done on a Word document or a link to a survey. The survey must collect feedback on
• Objective of meeting
• Presenter
• Contents
• Visual Aids
• Timings and duration
• Venue
• Catering
3. Keep the meeting on track by keeping to the agenda and dealing with talkative or disruptive participants.
4. Ensure the minute-taker is handling the task well.
5. Evaluate the meeting along with other participants.
6. Ensure the meeting achieves its outcomes.
Task B: Follow up:
1. Check that the minutes are transcribed as soon as possible after the meeting.
2. Check that the minutes are an accurate record of the meeting and all spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.
3. Check that any amendments you make are included.