What are the educational requirements for the position

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Reference no: EM132575591

Probation Parole Assignment -

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with a practical exercise in information gathering interview skills. You should locate a person (not a friend, family member, or direct supervisor) who currently holds approximately the same job and title that you hope to hold in five years. Schedule a fifteen to twenty minute interview with this person. You are the interviewer; this is NOT a fake job interview, it is a practical information-seeking interview in which you should find out everything possible to help prepare for that position.

Job: Licensed Professional Fiduciary in Walnut Creek California

Here is a list of just a few of the questions that might be asked. You should prepare a list of questions yourself using suggestions from the text:

Exactly what does your job entail?

What are the educational requirements for the position?

What do you like the most (or least) about the job?

What future changes do you see in this field?

These questions are only a beginning. You will certainly want to develop others so that you have a full sense of the demands and responsibilities of the position held by the interviewee and the nature of their field.

After the interview has occurred, write a minimum 4-page paper in which you discuss the nature of the position and the person interviewed, list the questions you prepared for the interview, give a brief analysis of the interview itself, and discuss your strengths and weaknesses as an interviewer. Be sure to engage in proper interview etiquette by sending a thank you note to your interviewee for their time.

Reference no: EM132575591

Questions Cloud

Explain what civilization and society are : Describe and explain what Civilization, Culture, and Society are. Explain why they're all different, while describing what they are. Define and describe.
Explain one leadership style that corresponds to frameworks : Explain one leadership style that corresponds to the framework(s). Share an insight about how conceptual frameworks account for leadership style in human.
Write an organized essay that explores the norm you violated : Write an organized essay that explores the norm you violated, how you felt while being deviant, and the reactions you received while you were violating.
Determine three to five roles and responsibilities : Determine three to five roles and responsibilities the contract administration office must have in order to execute a contract successfully.
What are the educational requirements for the position : The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with a practical exercise in information gathering interview skills. What are the educational requirements
Describe combat trauma and its impact on identity : As much as serving in the military can become part of one's identity, experiences from combat duty can leave lasting impressions and potentially damage.
Social responsibility : Social responsibility is the recognition that business activities have an impact on society.
Discuss the strengths of the us health care system : Choose 2 other countries from around the world and discuss the strengths of the U.S. health care system as compared to these countries from an administrator's.
Write position on bioengineering be ethically regulated : Post a 200+ word response, write a position on whether you think bioengineering should be ethically regulated? Why/why not


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