What are the different types of membranes

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133397790


What are the different types of membranes and what are their functions? Where would you find them?

What are the functions of the integumentary system? How does it perform these functions?

What are the types of tissues found in each layer of the skin?

What are the layers of the skin, and what are their functions?

What are the layers of the epidermis? What are their characteristics, and what functions do they perform?

What are the layers of the dermis? What are their characteristics, and what functions do they perform?

What are the factors/products that determine skin colour? What is the function/purpose of melanin?

What is the structure and function of sebaceous glands?

What is the structure and function of eccrine/sweat glands?

What is the structure and function of apocrine glands?

What is the structure and function of the arrector pili muscles?

What is the structure and function of hair?

What is the structure and function of nails?

How is body temperature homeostasis regulated, and how is the integumentary system involved? What is the receptor, control centre, and effectors in the homeostatic control of temperature? How do they function to achieve homeostasis?

What is the impact of normal aging on the skin?

How does the integumentary system work with other body systems to maintain homeostasis?

Nervous System

What are the specific functions of the nervous system?

How is the nervous system organized according to structure? How is it organized according to function?

What are the neuroglia types? What is their structure and function?

What are the general structural components of a standard neuron? What are the functions of each component?

What is the difference between the composition of gray matter and white matter?

How are neurons classified according to their structure? How are they classified according to their function?

What are the different types of sensory receptors? What are their functions?

What are the electrical conditions that contribute to the resting membrane potential? What structures in the neuron maintain this, and how is it maintained?

How is a nerve impulse/action potential generated? How is a nerve impulse/action potential propagated along a neuron?

How is an action potential transmitted from one neuron to another? What is the role of neurotransmitters at the synapse? How do they function?

What is the structure, function, and location of each of the following brain areas, and cortical areas:

Frontal lobe
Temporal lobe
Parietal lobe
Occipital lobe
Corpus callosum
Prefrontal area
Primary somatosensory area (post-central gyrus)
Primary motor area (pre-central gyrus)
Visual area
Olfactory area
Auditory area
Broca's area
Anterior and posterior association areas
Wernicke's area
Basal nuclei
Choroid plexus
Medulla oblongata
Reticular formation

What are the three meninges? What is their structure and function?

What is the composition and function of cerebrospinal fluid?

What is the structure and function of the blood-brain barrier?

What is the location, structure, and function of the spinal cord? Spinal nerves?

What is the difference between sensory, motor, and mixed nerves?

What are the names, numbers, and functions of the 12 cranial nerves?

What are the numbers and locations of the spinal nerves?

What is a reflex arc? What are its five basic elements, and how do they function?

What is the general structure and function of the autonomic nervous system?

What is the difference between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS in terms of their structure/anatomy?

What are the specific effects of the sympathetic nervous system on the various body organs/systems? What are the specific effects of the parasympathetic nervous system on the various body organs/systems?

What are the different types of receptors in the autonomic nervous system? Where are they located and how do they function?

What are the normal effects of aging on the nervous system?

How does the nervous system interact with the other body systems to maintain homeostasis?


Reference no: EM133397790

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