What are the different types of indexing supported by mysql

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13809886

When dealing with databases, it is important to optimize a database as much as possible. One way to speed up database access, especially when performing a search or record retrieval, is to index the table. Based on your understanding of optimizing databases, respond to the following questions:

• What are the different types of indexing supported by MySQL?

• Which one would you prefer and why?

• Is indexing on blob columns possible?

• Can there be a scenario where indexing might be a good idea and can be considered a disadvantage? Explain one such scenario.

• What would you suggest as solutions, other than indexing, to speed up database access?

• What are possible solutions to a table that does not contain an index field? How can we optimize access to such table without creating an index?

Reference no: EM13809886

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