What are the different methods to communicate effectively

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132895274

BSBRES801 Initiate and lead applied research

Assessment Task 1: Written questions

a) Explain the communication process. Answer in 150-200 words.
b) What are the different methods to communicate effectively? Answer in 400-500 words.

Fill in the below table to identify six (6) techniques of data collection. Also write the key facts and an example of its applicability.

Explain the role of technology/ technology services in data collection and analysis methods. Answer in 400- 500 words.

c) List any eight (8) types of legal requirements, policies, procedures or guidelines related to applied research.
d) Explain any three (3) in 70-100 words each.

a) List any eight (8) techniques to present your applied research findings.
b) Explain the technique to present data effectively. Answer in 250-300 words.

Fill in the below table for three (3) types of written and three (3) types of oral reports

Explain the following terms in 200-250 words each:
a) Research ethics
b) Codes of conduct

List any fifteen (15) applied research tools and methods.

Assessment Task 2: Practical Assessment Task- Construct and use applied research techniques

This is the second and final assessment task for this unit of competency. The student will be initiating and leading applied research at their own workplace by interacting with relevant people, evaluating relevant factors and using a range of techniques. They will then evaluate research finding and identify need for further research. Student need to prepare a journal on constructing and using applied research techniques and give a PowerPoint presentation on their research findings.

This task is divided into three (3) parts:
1) Part A: Construct an applied research strategy
2) Part B: Use a range of applied research techniques
3) Part C: Present findings from applied research

Task brief
In this task, you are required to frame an applied research strategy for enhancing individual, team and
organisational performance at your own workplace. Each organisation's purpose and approach will be different depending on its core business, size, complexity and broader operating context. You need to interact with relevant stakeholders, establish mechanisms, analyse various factors and use a range of techniques and tools to construct an applied research strategy.

Part A - Construct an applied research strategy

Instructions to students:
1. You are required to interact and communicate with a range of people at your workplace.
2. You need to identify suitable professionals who can clarify and confirm applied research purpose.
3. You may decide to interview a range of stakeholders from diverse groups including technical and subject matter experts, juniors, seniors, peers and other people whom you perceive to help you in constructing applied research strategy.
4. You can plan a single/ multiple brainstorming session with all stakeholders together or a series of sessions/one to one meeting.
5. You are advised to prepare a questionnaire/ agenda for the meeting.
6. You must take prior appointment with the people identified by you and ensure to perform this task professionally in a simulated environment or actual workplace.
7. You must then analyse the ideas and prepare a report/ journal on constructing an applied research strategy.
8. The word-limit for the report/ journal is 1200-1500 words.

Steps to complete Part A of the Practical Assessment Task:

TSK2.1.Discuss with your colleagues, supervisors, seniors and other persons of significance and seek their input to enable you to:
• Identify new ideas and thinking at your workplace to attain improved organisational outcomes
• Clarify and confirm about the purpose of the applied research
• Identify the needs of the target group

• Evidence of consultation. Prepare meeting sign in sheet which includes discussion topics & following items:
o Name and position of personnel involved
o Date of meeting/ session
o Points discussed in the session
o Signature of attendees

TSK2.2.With the information gathered above, finalise at least one (1) improvement on which you will focus to attain improved organisational outcomes.
TSK2.3.Identify and explain the relevant policies and procedures to conduct the applied research. Also, review the relevant research ethics and applicable codes of conduct.
TSK2.4.Review a range of applied research methods, theories and data collection techniques and specify the suitable mechanisms for collecting and analysing the data, while maintaining it systematically.

TSK2.5.Review the factors which can affect the reliability and validity of data and specify hypothesis TSK2.6.Analyse the available tools and resources and construct an applied research strategy

Part B - Use a range of applied research techniques

In this task, you are required to use the framed applied research strategy and use a range of techniques for applied research. You need to refer appropriate sources of information, analyse the data and optimise relevance of the research.
Instructions to students:
1. This task is in continuation to Part A of this assessment task-2
2. This task is an individual work exercise.
3. You are required to utilise different applied research techniques at your own workplace
4. You must write your responses in a suitable format and add further information to the journal prepared in Part A, covering the given criteria
5. Word-limit for Part-B task is 500-800 words.

Steps to complete Part B of the Practical Assessment Task:

TSK2.7. Gather the data using the appropriate sources of information and contributors relevant to research

TSK2.8. Use appropriate methods and technological services to gather and analyse data

TSK2.9. Optimise the relevance of the research through integrity of the data collected and analysis tools used

TSK2.10. Review and ensure the accuracy of data, adherence to the legal requirements and its relevance against the original applied research strategy

Part C - Present findings from applied research

• A copy of the completed report journal

This part is in continuation to the Part A and Part B of this task. You are required to deliver a PowerPoint presentation and demonstrate ability to analyse and present findings from an applied research activity.
Instructions to students:
1. This oral presentation is an individual work exercise

2. This will be a role-play presentation and your classmates/ trainer/ assessor will take on the role of different employees at your workplace
3. This session is to be presented using MS Power Point slides as a face to face/ virtual meeting

4. You must prepare 15-20 slides and must write only the keywords/ points in the slides.

5. Time-limit for delivering the presentation is 25-30 minutes.

6. You will be video-graphed or photographed during the presentation.

Steps to complete Oral Presentation Task:
Include the following criteria in your presentation:

TSK2.11. Explain your research findings in a clear, concise and logical manner consistent with audience requirements, specifying the impact of trends and changes on learning strategy.

TSK2.12. Specify the path for further research citing the need and the appropriate approach.

• Industry background
• Speaker's notes
• Presentation handout of slides
• Handout for attendees with further information on support services and/or useful websites
• Presentation feedback reports

Attachment:- Initiate and lead applied research.rar

Reference no: EM132895274

Questions Cloud

Government intervention in markets : Can government intervention in markets sometimes make the situation worse? Provide examples in your response.
Monitoring an employee social media site : How should companies deal with leaks of confidential information, material which could lead to an adverse employment decision
What are strategies for detecting and protecting oneself : Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living. What do you think he could have meant by that, or what does that statement mean to you?
Explain the operation and scm of og money company : 1) Explain the Operation and SCM of the Og Money company.
What are the different methods to communicate effectively : What are the different methods to communicate effectively and Explain the role of technology/ technology services in data collection and analysis methods
Write the agents and environments of artificial intelligence : Write the agents and environments of artificial intelligence What are the nature of the environments and structure of the agents.?
What way can wealth be corrupting : Explain whether you agree with this statement or not. In what way can wealth be corrupting? Does it depend on the person or circumstance?
Personal experience that had strong emotional affect : A personal experience that had a strong emotional affect on you will evoke interest and emotion in your reader.
Personal experience that had strong emotional affect : A personal experience that had a strong emotional affect on you will evoke interest and emotion in your reader.



5/23/2021 11:06:09 PM


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