What are the differences between a civil and criminal case

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133595857

Tobias and his partner, Zoe, are having an argument about his infidelity and lack of commitment towards her. In the past, Zoe has told her friends that Tobias has a violent streak and that he often assaults her. As their argument becomes more heated, neighbours hear Zoe's screams. They run to her front door to see whether they can assist her, only to find the door wide open and Zoe lying in a pool of blood. Upon closer inspection, it seems that she has been stabbed in the chest, but fortunately not been fatally injured. Tobias is nowhere to be seen. Two days later, the police finds Tobias hiding in his mother's house. He is immediately arrested and charged with attempted murder and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Tobias has no income of his own and is appointed a legal representative by the state.

  • What type of case is this?
  • What are the differences between a civil and criminal case?
  • After being arrested, Tobias is taken to a holding cell at the nearby police station. Tobias refuses to talk to the police and insists that as an accused, he has certain rights in terms of the Bill of Rights. Explain what "human rights" are. Also identify two rights that may be relevant to Tobias and briefly describe each of these.
  • In preparation for Tobias' case, his legal representative will consult authoritative and non-authoritative sources. List four authoritative and two non-authoritative sources that his legal representative may consult to prepare for his case.
  • Discuss how the legal representative should handle the information that Tobias shares with him. In your answer, you must also indicate the nature of the relationship between Tobias and his legal representative.
  • Briefly describe three duties that Tobias' legal representative has in terms of the Legal Practice Council Code of Conduct.
  • Tobias explains to his legal representative that he stabbed Zoe because she was taunting him and that she told him that she is having a relationship with his brother. What factor may be relevant in considering Tobias' criminal capacity?

Reference no: EM133595857

Questions Cloud

Explaining the basic elements of contract law : Apply your understanding of legal terms by explaining the basic elements of contract law (2 paragraphs minimum).
What should the criminal justice system be doing to ensure : What should the criminal justice system be doing to ensure that law enforcement officers are equipped to deal with a rapidly increasing older population?
What can make a statement voluntarily given : What can make a statement voluntarily given? Can a nonvoluntary statement be used for any purpose? Is Miranda case specific? Explain.
How does substantive due process protect property interests : How does substantive due process protect property interests?
What are the differences between a civil and criminal case : What type of case is this? What are the differences between a civil and criminal case?
What are the precise issues being litigated : Issues. What are the precise issues being litigated, as stated by the court? Do you agree with the way the court has framed those issues?
How the judge interprets and applies the law : Questian of law relate to how the judge interprets and applies the law; they include such issues as how a statute is to be interpreted.
Explain use proper contract law terminology : Can Paul enforce his uncle's promise? Why or why not? Fully explain and use proper contract law terminology.
Define the specific legal claims-causes of action : Additional comments: Use the complaint and the course materials to state and define the specific legal claims/causes of action.


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