Reference no: EM131590232
Accounting- Legal Issues in Business and E-Commerce
1. You are working as a new graduate at a business consultancy firm. You have been asked to prepare the website information regarding the latest trends in alternatives to investing in residential property. You are fully responsible for writing the piece and no one else will read over what you have written to ensure there are no mistakes.
With reference to your writing task write a short paragraph describing the risks to the business regarding negligent misstatement.
2. Over summer you are working with a tourist operator in the Auckland Harbour. You have noticed that there is some oil leaking from the boat and when the boat is docked in the harbour the oil is surrounding the boat and nearby boats. What is the duty of care owed in this circumstance? Use a case to support your answer.
3. Draw a diagram of the relationship between the key parties in Donoghue v Stevenson. Write a short description below the diagram explaining how this case establishes principles for negligence.
4. You are managing a small team of staff who work unsupervised on rosters. Your role is to ensure that they are adequately informed about Health and Safety requirements. As part of your discussion you are briefly going to describe the key aspects of the ACC no fault system. Provide a short summary of the points that you will raise with your team.
5. What are the defences to negligence?
6. Find one news article on negligence, defamation or ACC. What are the key points discussed in the article?