Reference no: EM133148729
Software/System Deconstruction using UML
As part of this assessment, you are required to choose a piece of system software or application software (app, website, game, or any application) that you are familiar with. This familiarity could be due to your frequent use of the system as a customer, or as a staff member (i.e., you use or have used this system at work or in your business), or for any other reason.
This System needs to be:
• Interactive, in that it allows the user to register and create personal accounts, and engage in interactive transactions.
• Fully live in that it's being used in a real-life setting, i.e., not defunct, or in a pilot/prototype stage.
Note that the System can be aimed at users in any country, i.e., does not have to be an Australian software. Of course, the language should be English.
• Submit a one-page proposal (pdf) , which should contain:
o What system you are going to deconstruct i.e., the type.
o Describe the system briefly using screenshots and/or provide URL/links. This description includes:
- What does it do?
- What are the types of stakeholders (i.e., Actors) that use this system?
- What are the core processes of the system (just name)?
- How do these processes reflect the business model of the organisation the system belongs to?
o Why have you chosen this software?
• your tutor will let you know whether your proposal has been approved or not. If it has not been approved, it means that we do not think this system is appropriate, or perhaps, too many students have selected it (beware of hugely popular platforms such as Instagram, Uber Eats, WeChat, or eBay). If we do not approve this system, you will need to propose another one; so best to ensure you have a plan B software ready, just in case.
• Once your proposal is approved, you can commence work on the project, which involves the deconstruction of the System using UML. You need to develop (The structure of the report:
o One Activity Diagram for a core process
o One Overall Use Case Diagram
o One Expanded Use Case Diagram
o One Class Diagram
o One State Machine Diagram
Software/System Deconstruction using UML Models
This is a report you are making for the company that is using of the System, or for owner of the System. Here, you are showing that: (i) you have analysed the System comprehensively, from the perspective of an IS[1] Business Analyst, and (ii) identified some issues that could be fixed and/or some opportunities/functionalities/services that could be incorporated with the current System. You not only identify and mention these opportunities/functionalities/services but show in the UML diagrams how those will change the existing models (i.e., UML diagrams).
Format for the report and mark distribution
• Executive Summary (max 1 page[2]) (2 marks)
• Business case (5 marks): (minimum 2, maximum 3 page)
o The background of the industry the system is operated
o The background of company the system belongs to or operated by
o What are the services/problems the company addressing by this system
o What are the opportunities of such a system/solution?
• Using UML models, discuss how the System is now operating (page limits not relevant here):
o Present an important process using Activity Diagram and briefly explain it. 5 marks
o What services are offered to various users? Explain it with an overall use case diagram. 5 marks
o In order to make more sense of the use cases, expend a use case and present a detailed use case diagram. 5 marks
o Present a Class diagram and briefly explain the relationships. 5 marks
o Present and briefly explain a State Machine Diagram. 5 marks
• Each diagram should be narrated briefly so that any person who not necessarily a Business Analyst can understand your diagrams and the report. The marks are allocated for both the diagrams as well as the discussion.
• Narratives about the User Interface (UI) Design. Discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly side of the UI designs of the System - what are the best designs of the System, and how some interfaces could be improved? (1.5 to 3 page, do not occupy space with large pictures) (5 marks)
• What improvement or additional features you would add if you were appointed, as the business analyst, to upgrade it the System. How do you think this/these will add value (e.g., revenue, user satisfaction, business growth) to the System; tell in detail? Support your claim with references from published materials (e.g., journal article, newspaper article, magazine, business report, and web sites) (5 marks)
• Incorporate the new features/improvements in any two diagrams e.g., overall use case diagram, Class diagram, Activity diagram, or State diagram. (5 marks)
o Please note: If you use overall use case diagram where you add new use case(s) (with new <<include>>, <<extend>> and/or generalisation relationship), one (new) use case needs to be expanded i.e., present a detailed use case diagram; and this will be considered as the second diagram.
o Also note: just having them in the diagram is not sufficient; you need to explain so that a nonprofessional can understand how the new feature(s) will be integrated with the legacy system, and add value.
• References (2 marks) - both in-text referencing as well as reference list (presented at the end of the report, before appendix) will be marked. Quality of referencing - consistent application of a referencing style and the quality of the sources[3].
• Professional look of the report (1 mark)
• Appendix (no mark, but presentation of the appendix may affect the mark for ‘professional look':
o links and screen-shots of the system (however, you can report them in the report also but logically)
o the proposal submitted earlier (which was eventually been approved by your tutor).
o Any other things you want to share.
Note: Need one page proposal only
Attachment:- System Deconstruction using UML.rar