Reference no: EM131995708 , Length: word count:2200
Assignment 1 -
Write a 1000-word essay answer to the following question:
In what ways is training contested terrain?
Ensure that your essay addresses the following questions.
How do the training needs and expectations of the workers and employers differ?
Which of these needs and expectations conflict? Which converge?
How have these differences played out in the operation of sector councils and apprenticeship programs?
Assignment 2 -
Write a 1200-word argument supporting or refuting the following assertion.
Canadian government policies have successfully reconciled the competing training interests of employers and workers.
Ensure that your essay addresses the following questions.
What are the competing training interests of employers and workers? (300 words)
How and to what degree do active labour market policies benefit workers? And employers? (450 words)
How and to what degree does immigration benefit workers? And employers? (450 words).