What are the common causative factors

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM132404369

OSHA has identified four categories of hazards that account for more than 50% of all construction fatalities:
Falls (36.5%)
Struck by object (10.1%)
Electrocutions (8.6%)
Caught-in/between (2.5%)

The assignment is to write a research paper involving one of these four construction hazard categories. You may narrow your topic down to a more specific type of accident within the major category. For example, under falls, you could focus your research on falls from ladders. When writing the paper, consider the following questions:

What are the common causative factors?

What does data indicate?

What are the effective proven corrective measures?

The submission must be a minimum of three pages in length, not including the title page or reference page.safety reference books and textbooks, and other publications by safety professionals and organizations (print or online).

APA format is required. Be sure to use in-text citations for direct quotes and paraphrased information.

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The assignment has explored the aspects of ladder fall incidents that take place at the construction sites.The prevalence of the issue in the US construction industry has been explored.The various measures that can be employed for avoiding or minimising the issue of ladder falls have been discussed as well.

Reference no: EM132404369

Questions Cloud

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Theories of crime causation affect human behavior-actions : Summarize and provide an example of how biological, sociological, and psychological theories of crime causation affect human behavior and actions.
What are the common causative factors : What are the common causative factors and What are the effective proven corrective measures - write a research paper involving one of these four construction
The investigation of computer-related crime : Discuss the major procedures that investigators must use in order to collect network trace evidence of computer-related crimes.
Decision making in collegial courts : Describe at least four (4) factors that affect the decision-making process through collegial contact between judges. Provide a rationale for your response.
Mary is partner in the flatirons partnership : Mary is a partner in the Flatirons partnership. What will happen if Mary is successful in her attempt to withdraw before the 10-year period is up?
What has been your experience with hazcom training : What has been your experience with Hazcom training and Did it meet the standard? Was it effective?


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