What are the characteristics of the global country

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133359079

Questions: Using HD Supply and see what it takes to make it in the Domestic Environment, then in the Global Environment. Concentrate on the domestic and global environments and determine the government regulations for HD Supply in differing countries. The technological environment includes how the rapid pace of change in production processes and product innovation affect a business. The technological environment also consists of what affects the technology and which can create new products, new markets, and new marketing opportunities. This week you'll begin to identify barriers for HD Supply.

LO - 1 - Identifying one of the business environments used in this course, the student will be able to discuss that environment's past, present, and future with the use one business theorist.

LO - 2 - Given HD Supply, the student will determine how government regulations affect the company and how to overcome barriers within the Domestic Environment using business theory

LO - 3 - Given HD Supply, the student will assess barriers raised by government regulations in the company's Global Environment and identify strategies for success given these barriers.

LO - 4 - Given HD Supply, the student will detect and evaluate the company's hard and soft technology using both the Domestic and Global environments of the company.

1. Identify the company, describe the nature of its industry, and describe the domestic environment (home company). For example, U.S. Air operates in the airline industry. Its home country and domestic environment are the United States.

a. Summarize HD Supply's industry, how long it has been in business and the attribute for which it is the least or worst admired company
b. Investigate and explain the domestic government regulations associated with the chosen industry

2. Identify the global environment (consider two international countries other than North America/look beyond Canada or Mexico)

a. What are the characteristics of the Global Country/Environment that will best suit the company for success

3. Identify the hard and soft technology used for both domestic and global environments of your company. This topic is not about computers or software; see the lesson

4. What are the domestic, global, and technological barriers for the business and how will the company overcome those barriers?


Reference no: EM133359079

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