What are the characteristics of papulosquamous eruptions

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Reference no: EM133382562

Clinical Case Study
This week's discussion addresses dermatological disorders. Please review the clinical case study below and answer the questions that follow:

Clinical Case Scenario:
A 7-month-old boy presents with an erythematous, confluent, slightly raised, and scaly rash on his cheeks; and his extremities are also covered with a fine papular rash. The infant has had some scaling behind the ears and on the scalp since early infancy, but the symptoms have recently increased. The mother applies baby oil to the scalp to relieve scaliness. Except for some intermittent rhinorrhea, the infant has otherwise been well. Immunizations are deficient; he received only the first set when he was two months old. The family history is positive for bronchitis. The infant's weight is at the 75th percentile, and the height is at the 50th percentile. Vital signs are normal. The physical examination is normal, except for the presence of the rash.


  1. What are the characteristics of papulosquamous eruptions? Be thorough and descriptive.
  2. What are the common conditions associated with papulosquamous eruptions in children? List at least 3 common conditions and include the pathophysiology of each condition.
  3. What are the appropriate treatments for common papulosquamous eruptions? Why?
  4. When should children with papulosquamous eruptions be referred to a dermatologist?
  5. Define the following: a) confluent, b) papular, c) papulosquamous, and d) rhinorrhea

Reference no: EM133382562

Questions Cloud

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What are the characteristics of papulosquamous eruptions : What are the common conditions associated with papulosquamous eruptions in children? List at least 3 common conditions and include the pathophysiology
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