What are the characteristics of global citizens

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Reference no: EM131609341

Assignment: Global Citizens


The concept of citizenship has both informal and formal (or legal) aspects. For instance, a person who does good work within their community may be recognized as a "good citizen," but this is an informal acknowledgment that does not affect the person's legal status.

Some aspects of dual citizenship are accepted both informally and legally. For instance, if you are a citizen of the United States, you are also a citizen of the state in which you reside. Similarly, being a resident of a city or county may entitle you to use the resources of both entities.

Other aspects of dual citizenship may be informally accepted, but not legally sanctioned. This includes concurrently holding dual citizenships in the United States and some other country. For example, children of
citizens who are born abroad are often, but not always, granted citizenship in their birth country while also retaining U.S. citizenship. They are not expected to resolve the duality until they reach adulthood.

Importantly, we must see that national citizenship is entirely a formal, legal matter. It does not ultimately depend on factors such as where people have lived, which groups they identify with, or how they seek to impact society. Instead, the power to confer national citizenship is an aspect of a country's sovereignty.

This is not true of the concept of the "global citizen." This informal designation is generally applied to those who choose to act on vital issues or policies that extend beyond the borders of their country. In this sense, if a citizen of one country travels to another to work on issues such as poverty, homelessness, or elections, they would be deemed a global citizen. But it also important to recognize that many of the complex, pressing problems that exist globally can be addressed anywhere in the world, including one's home country.

As public administrators, we need to strive to reach more effectively across traditional boundaries. The activities in this unit will help you develop your own perspectives in regard to national and global citizenship, and develop skills you can use to reach worldwide goals.


To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

1. Evaluate the impact of citizenship in situations of public participation.

2. Analyze the impact of global citizenship in global public participation.

3. Analyze the impact of alternative concepts of citizenship, such as dual and global citizenship, from the perspective of contemporary public values and their impact on global public participation.

4. Use the public values that define citizenship (other than the simple fact of birth) to identify criteria for global citizenship.


Study 1


Use Global and Diverse Societies to complete the following:

• In the Kivisto and Faist text, Citizenship: Discourse, Theory, and Transnational Prospects, read Chapter 5, "Expansion," pages 102-128.


Complete the following research in preparation for this unit's discussions:

• Use the Resource library, the Internet, and other resources available to you to locate and read at least three peer-reviewed articles addressing the concept of global citizenship. You will use these resources in the Global Citizenship discussion later in this unit.

Optional - Readings

The following optional materials may add to your understanding of this unit:

• Read Osland's 2003 article, "Broadening the Debate: The Pros and Cons of Globalization," in the Journal of Management Inquiry, volume 12, issue 2, pages 137-154.

• Read Galbreath's 2006 article, "Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy: Strategic Options, Global Considerations," in Corporate Governance, volume 6, issue 2, pages 175-187.

• Read Muetzelfeldt and Smith's 2002 article, "Civil Society and Global Governance: The Possibilities for Global Citizenship," in Citizenship Studies, volume 6, issue 1, pages 55-75.

Study 2



Global Issue - Theoretical Framework (Phase 2). Global Issue Resources | Transcript.

The next phase of your course project, Global Issue - Theoretical Framework (Phase 2), will be due in Unit 7. Read the directions for this assignment and plan to meet this deadline. If you have any questions about the requirements after reading the directions, contact your instructor.

Review of Literature

Continue your review of literature relevant to the issue you selected in Phase 1. Your list of sources for Phase 2 will include those you previously cited in Phase 1, but should be considerably expanded. It should include added material located through the Global Issue Resources interactive, course readings and media presentations if relevant. In addition, it must include at least eight peer-reviewed sources located from the Resource Library or other sources online or in print.

In order to make sure you maximize the results of your research, read the instructions for Phase 2 carefully and plan to meet the requirements. Keep notes and the citations of all sources you consult. It is never too early to begin sketching out ideas for your paper.



Reference your reading and the articles you located in this unit's first study to explicate the concept of global citizenship using the following questions:

• What are the characteristics of global citizens? Are people who cross borders and function in other countries automatically global citizens, or are there other characteristics that are necessary?

• Is it necessary to travel widely to consider oneself a "citizen of the world"? Or, can this conviction come from the recognition that local events can have consequences that reach around the world?

• What does the concept of global citizenship mean for the future of public administration, with particular attention to public value and public participation?

• Describe an example of an event or policy in one part of the world that has had repercussions in another part of the world.

Attachment:- Global-Issue-Resources-Transcript.pdf

Reference no: EM131609341

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