Reference no: EM13813010
What are the characteristics of femininity? How is a woman regarded if she does not embody the characteristics?
Some characteristics of femininity that are seen in popular culture and deemed stereotypes are; they are emotional, dependent on men, flirtatious, sensitive, weak, and nurturing. In terms of being in a heterosexual relationship, stereotypes of women in these relationships are; the man pays for everything, men hold the door for women, and women are more emotional and attached when it comes to relationships with men.
When women go against these characteristics and does not embody them, in the criminal justice system studies have shown that women are more likely to get longer and harsher sentences compared to men when they have committed the same offence. This is because it is unexpected of women to commit crimes and go against their expected characteristics, so then there must be a problem with them and therefore receive harsher sentences. Other ways women are regarded are they are labelled 'tomboys' which can start during childhood when young girls would rather play with boys and sports than do their hair and play dress up.
What are the characteristics of masculinity? How is a man regarded if he does not embody the characteristics?
Characteristics of masculinity can be; independent, competitive, aggressive, strong, and sexually aggressive. When looking at a heterosexual relationship between a man and women, the man usually wears the 'pants in the relationship' saying that they have control. But when women begin making more decisions are claiming they are right about certian conflicts, these men may be labeled by their friends as 'whipped', and prior to the man getting married and spending less time with his guy friends and more with his girlfriend he may be labeled as 'wifed up'.
When men go against the characteristics of masculinity, they can be labeled as 'gay', it is unmanly for men to show their emotions in public such as crying. Many men have grown up being told by their fathers that if you are going to be a man you must never cry and be tough, and if you do those things you are not a man but a 'wuss'.