Reference no: EM131243721
Please provide substantial in your own word answers to the following questions. Word count must be 50 or more.
1. What are the characteristics of effective team players and team building, and how does this knowledge improve my performance in various types of teams?
2. Three Levels of Political Action
The individual level, at the individual level, self-interests are pursued by the individual.
Coalition-Level Politics, a coalition is an informal group bound together by the active pursuit of a single issue. Coalitions may or may not coincide with formal group membership. When the target issue is resolved (a sexually harassing supervisor is fired, for example), the coalition disbands. Experts note that political coalitions have "fuzzy boundaries," meaning they are fluid in membership, flexible in structure, and temporary in duration. Coalitions are a potent political force in organizations. For instance, a coalition representing farmers and airlines persuaded the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to exempt these industries from new legislation that requires companies that trade futures contracts, in commodities such as grain and jet fuel, to put up greater amounts of collateral.
Network-Level Politics, a third level of political action involves networks. Unlike coalitions, which pivot on specific issues, networks are loose associations of individuals seeking social support for their general self-interests. Politically, networks are people-oriented, while coalitions are issue-oriented. Networks have broader and longer-term agendas than do coalitions. For instance, many former Goldman Sachs executives (e.g., Hank Paulson, Stephen Friedman, Josh Bolten, and Robert Rubin) went on to high-level government jobs. Many people have alleged that this large and powerful network has protected the interests of Wall Street firms generally and those of Goldman Sachs in particular.
How can understanding these forms of politics make me more effective at school, at work, and socially?
3. Please see attached reading "enhancing effectiveness on virtual teams"and answer the following question. What are the pros and cons of virtual teams?
4. Please see attached reading "Group Dynamic and answer the following questions. Have you used or seen any of the techniques used before? How effective were they? Are there other ways not discussed in the video that you have also seen used to influence the group dynamics? How effective were they?
5. Please see attached reading "MGT312 Influence, Power, and Trust Transcript" and provide thoughts.
6. Please see attached reading "Group Development" and provide answers to following questions. What are the different stages of group development? How can understanding the stages of group development and group properties help employees in a work group function more effectively? Please give a brief example(s) of when you went through some or all of the stages of group development. How did the different stages help with the ultimate formation and functioning of the group?
7. Have you ever been exposed, either directly or indirectly, to an unethical use of power? If so, what type of power was involved? When an organization downsizes, what ethical issues should a manager consider? What ethical issues must you consider when engaging in political behavior within the workplace?
8. Please see attached reading "social loafing" and provide answers to the following questions.
1. Think of a group or team situation In which one of the members was "loafing."
2. Given what you Just learned, what do you think was the cause of her/him to free-ride or loaf?
3. Describe, in detail, two things you could have done to prevent this from happening.
4. Describe what you can do in a future group assignment In school to avoid or reduce social loafing. Be specific.
Attachment:- Attachments.rar