What are the challenges that currency exchange rates pose

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131713794

Watch the Video: "The Big Mac Index" (8:38). This video is included in the reading material.

Follow the LINK to the current Big Mac Index: The ECONOMIST'S "BIG MAC" INDEX This Index is located on the Economist Magazine's website.

This is an interactive site, so you can click onto the map and see how much the Big Mac will cost in various countries. This also gives you information about whether the currency of that country is under- or over-valued.

Go to the Internet and Google NEWS for "Exchange Rates and International Trade" (or similar search terms). See example below.

Select a news item relating to Exchange Rates and International Trade. Be sure to copy the LINK to the news item or article that you select.

You will need to include this in your initial discussion board posting.

Discussion Board: Exchange Rates and International Trade:

Make your initial Discussion Board Posting (125 - 150 words). In this post you should include/answer/address the following:

BRIEFLY explain your news item to the class

Include the LINK to your news item so your classmates and I can read the full story.

What are the challenges that currency exchange rates pose to doing business in a global market?

How can business use exchange rates to their advantage in conducting business globally?

Reference no: EM131713794

Questions Cloud

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