Reference no: EM132371847
Assignment: Barbara schedules a meeting with a core group of clinic managers. The purpose of the meeting is to review the strategic plan and to gather additional feedback from the managers. Barbara is aware of the importance of diversity within the organization. Diversity and inclusion is particularly important because of the population served by UCCO facilities. However, she realizes during the meeting that there may be some issues with diversity and culture. Furthermore, how diversity and culture impact team performance. Several managers made comments regarding distribution of work and employee perspectives based on stereotypes. She also found out that there are many personality conflicts and issues with subordination. Barbara encountered the conflict and degradation comments, first-hand during the meeting.
Search for a minimum of 3 articles covering diversity and culture and teamwork.
For this project assignment on UCCO complete a 3 page report to address management of change with strategic planning and with the following concepts:
• What is the role of executives in the process of change management and strategic planning? How do issues with diversity and culture relate to change management?
• Why is diversity inclusion important? What are the benefits? Specifically address UCCO purpose for diversity.
• Discuss how working with others can help with respect for diversity and respect for diverse perspectives.
• What are the challenges and benefits of employing a diverse workforce?
• What should Barbara's plan be for encouraging teamwork among a diverse workforce and ensuring that employees make meaningful and valuable contributions to team projects and tasks. Incorporate Barbara's personal experience with the team of clinic managers.
apa format.