What are the challenges immigrants arriving in canada face

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Reference no: EM132475901

SOC1160 - Introduction to Sociology - Lethbridge College

Selected Topic - HEALTH

Journal Article/Critical Analysis Assignment


This term assignment is intended to help students become better researchers and essay writers with the ability to identify peer reviewed academic journal articles that are suitable to use as sources in their college/university research papers. Upon completion of this assignment, students will have the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to construct and report their research findings through an Academic Journal Article Review. This assignment also provides students with a practical understanding of how social researchers acquire knowledge and assess whether an academic article is a good source to use in their own research.

Whether acquiring new knowledge or adding to the existing body of knowledge, Sociologists employ the scientific principles and methodologies in their quest to learn how and why people are organized in society as individuals and as members of associations, groups, and institutions. There is a mistaken belief among some that Sociology is a discipline reflecting the common-sense observations of researchers, as opposed to empirical evidence associated with the Natural Sciences (i.e., Biology, Chemistry, etc.). However, Sociology is one of several Social Sciences (e.g., Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology) that have a rich history and a huge volume of credible scientific research that is validated (i.e., peer reviewed) by fellow researchers; it is not simply based on the interpretation or personal opinions individuals.


Part 1. Prepare an extensive Written Analysis of a peer reviewed academic Journal Article selected/assigned for this assignment, which must be submitted to the instructor before the student participates in the Panel Discussion; and,

Part 2. Present and participate in group Panel Discussion by making a class presentation that reports on their chosen Academic Journal Article selected/assigned for this assignment.

Student will select one (1) topic of interest to them from a list of seven (7) topical questions, found on page two of this document. Topics are selected on a first come - first serve basis. The sign-up sheet will be presented several times in class.

a. Deviance
Does ‘getting tough on crime' by punishing criminal behaviour deter crime and result in safer communities? Explain why or why not in terms of the sociological implications.

b. Social Stratification
Considering that Canada is a relatively wealthy country, are people poor simply because they make bad choices, or are there other social factors that contribute to poverty?

c. Sexuality
What are the potential sociological implications of legalizing prostitution in Canada?

d. Gender Stratification
How does discrimination based on sex, gender and gender identification remain a significant social problem in Canada? (Focus on one or more issues)

e. Race and Ethnicity
What are the challenges immigrants arriving in Canada face? (What are the sociological implications of increasing levels of immigration?)

f. Family
What effect does the growing diversity of Canadian family forms (i.e., same-sex marriage, single-parent families, common-law families, polygamy, etc.) have on the functionality of this institution (e.g., do alternative family forms succeed at establishing and promoting family stability)?

g. Health
There are a number of healthcare models around the world (e.g., the American capitalist model, the European socialist model, etc.) that reflect a different approach to healthcare and they are functional at different levels. Are there any aspects of these models that might benefit Canada's current and future healthcare needs?

PART 1: The Term Paper: Written Analysis of Academic Journal Article

To begin this assignment, students must sign-up for one (1) of the topical questions that is of interest to them. The sign-up sheet will be presented several times in class.
• Once the topic is chosen/assigned, students will then conduct research and find a peer reviewed academic journal article that appears to address the topical question. This article should be - no less than five (5) pages in length (not including the author's references).
• Students will then prepare an extensive Written Analysis of this Academic- Peer Reviewed-Journal Article that addresses the following points:

1. Article Summary - Approximately 1 full page - to answer these questions...
Q1) Why was this article written and published (i.e., what did the author have to say)?
Q2) What questions did the researcher (i.e., the author) set out to ask and answer?
Q3) What previous research did the author discuss in his Literature Review?
Q4) What are the main points and the conclusions the author made in their paper?

2. Critical Analysis of Journal Article - Approximately 1 full page - to answer these questions......
Q1) Discuss whether the author used scientific or non-scientific evidence and explain the difference between the two.
Q2) Discuss the author's personal point of view, their theoretical perspective, and any personal biases you detected (Students must address all 3 issues...).
Q3) Discuss the journal article's strengths (i.e., what makes it academically strong / of significant value) and limitations (i.e., what makes it academically weak / of limited value).
Q4) Finally, students must discuss whether they agree with the author's conclusions or not and discuss their reasons why.

3. Application of Critical Thinking - A Two Part (a. & b.) discussion - 1 full page - to effectively address these issues...
Q1) Theory: Research your course textbook for one or more theories that you can apply to the issue of topical question and journal article? (Hint: look in the specific chapter...)
i. Name, fully define and explain the Sociological theory, and
ii. Discuss how this theory or theories explain or say something about the issue.
Q2) News Article: Research a current (within the last 3 months) news media article/editorial/report.
i. Discuss how this news article relates to the topical question chosen for this assignment (the current media article can be either an on-line or actual printed newspaper - news article/editorial/report), and
ii. Discuss how the current media article relates to current social trends and issues across the country (local or national).

PART 2: Class Presentation: Panel Discussion Directions for Presentation in Class

In the second part of this assignment students present a verbal presentation before the instructor and the rest of the students in class that is no less than 1:30 minutes and no more than 2:00 minutes in length...!

• Once the Written Analysis is complete, students must crunch down the main points of the Written Analysis into a two (2) minute presentation.
• Students are encouraged to focus mostly on the following:
o The Article Summary,
o The Critical Analysis, and only if time allows,
o The Application of Critical Thinking.
• Students may use reader notes, note cards or rely on their memory alone, but they must make eye contact with the instructor and other students from time to time.

Students will be graded on Participation as follows:

6. Participation
• The student made effective use of time - staying within 1.5 and 2 minutes.
• The presentation was clear and concise, yet thorough in the discussion.
• The student covered the necessary and relevant points in the journal article that specifically answered the assignment question.
• The student did not simply read to the class, but looked up and made eye contact with the audience.
• The student knew the material well and was able to discuss the material without constant reference to their notes.
• The student participated in the class discussion through responding to questions and providing thoughtful comments.

Attachment:- Critical Analysis Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM132475901

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3/18/2020 3:29:03 AM

my topic is HEALTH There are a number of healthcare models around the world. The American Capitalist model and the Western European Socialist models each reflect different models of healthcare. What elements of these models might best serve Canada's current and future healthcare needs?

Write a Review

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