Reference no: EM131482265
Project Stock Trading- VAR
The website used to implement this project is
Student Stock Trader
How to register in the trading game
1. Open the website studentstocktrader
2. Then go to "Join a game".
3. You will require to enter your first name and the ID number (EX. Asma 1433528), the join code is (60312-0).
4. After joining the game, each student will have a specific code in the form XXXX-XXX (EX. 50871-154204), and this code must be used to rejoin the game at a later date.
5. Now you can start trading !
6. The trading starts 25 /April /2017 and will finish at 1/ May/ 2017.
How to start buying and selling?
• Read and analyze the financial statements of companies to decide to choose which one.
• Trend Analysis : Historical movement ( watch the price movement ).
• Read and follow up news about the company you choose.
• Read Economical News related to the stock you want buy or sell.
• Supply and demand Analysis.
• Follow up financial analysts.
• Technical Analysis (reading the charts).
• Do not trade on more than 3 companies.
Requirements from this project
You will be asked in the lecture to talk about your trading and your talk should include
o What was the stocks that you choose to trade (preferred no more than 3 stocks) and why did you choose it?
o Did you win or lose? What are the causes of your winning or losing?
o Did you read specific news about the company? What was the news ?
o What was the factors that you relied on to take your decisions?
o What could you do to decrease your loss or increase your gains?