What are the categories most important to you when you gauge

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Reference no: EM133533419

Discussion Post: Organizational Behavior & Leadership in the 21st Century

According to a CNBC report, Sixty percent of people reported being emotionally detached at work and 19% as being miserable. Only 33% reported feeling engaged ­­- and that is even lower than 2020. In the U.S. specifically, 50% of workers reported feeling stressed at their jobs on a daily basis, 41% as being worried, 22% as sad, and 18% angry (CNBC, 2022).

Discuss the following: Are you presently satisfied with your job? What are the categories most important to you when you gauge your satisfaction? If presently unsatisfied, what would it take for this attitude to change within your current job? If satisfied, what advice would you offer your classmates?

Reference no: EM133533419

Questions Cloud

Discuss the relevant underlying concepts : do not simply define concepts; instead, discuss the relevant underlying concepts and relate them to the scenario you are provided in the questions.
Why are some cells not capable of mitosis : Why are some tissues capable of full regeneration after injury and others are not and Why is it imperative that only the proper intravenous (IV) solutions
Discuss how you would operationalize : Identify the target behavior of interest - Discuss how you would operationalize the behavior and measure its occurrence - Identify the circumstances under
Importance of it and project management : Read at least two of the first five references cited at the end of chapter with statistics about the importance of IT and project management.
What are the categories most important to you when you gauge : Are you presently satisfied with your job? What are the categories most important to you when you gauge your satisfaction?
How did the pr team mitigate the legal issues : General managers (GMs) are typically the liaison between executives and staff. How did the PR team mitigate the legal issues?
What you have learned from the resources you reviewed : Provide at least three interesting facts (e.g., statistics, history, etc.) that support your position and at least one information/ findings that
Describe the time course of volume changes : Describe the time course of volume changes when a high salt diet is initiated. c). CKD also causes hypertension due to widespread endothelial dysfunction
Describe different types of lifestyle modifications : Describe different types of lifestyle modifications and how they affect blood pressure - Considering placebo controlled hypertension treatment trials


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