What are the biological correlates of panic

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Reference no: EM131155254

(Part 1) Schizophrenia

Locate and read a recent, full-text article from the Capella Library about the relationship between genetics or brain chemistry and schizophrenia.

Contrast the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia and explain why it is thought that these different symptoms might have a different physiological foundation.

Discuss any cultural aspects involved in working with and providing treatment to a client with schizophrenia.

(Part 2) Panic Disorders

Locate and read a recent, full-text article from the Capella Library that explores the biological foundation of panic.

Briefly summarize the article, discussing the symptoms of panic disorder.

What are the biological correlates of panic?

Cite your source using APA formatting.

(Part 3) Journal Article Assignment
(Please Read Very Carefully)

For this Journal Article Assignment, you will identify a published research article either in the print literature or online in the Capella Library. Your article must be based on empirical (data-based) research; qualitative or purely descriptive research is not appropriate. Select a journal article in your career specialization that reports either a correlation, a t test, or a one-way ANOVA (or some combination of these test statistics). The library guides listed in the Resources area can help you to locate appropriate articles. The intent of this Journal Article

Assignment is to:

Expose you to professional literature in your discipline.
Provide practice in the interpretation of statistical results contained in an empirical (data-based) journal article.
Provide practice in writing and thinking in a concise and economical manner that is typical of scientific discourse.

Summarize the article in a maximum of 600 words using the DAA Template document located in the Resources area. Specific instructions for completing each section of the DAA Template are listed below.

You may use some of the author's own words to summarize the article, but avoid lengthy direct quotes (e.g., copying multiple sentences or paragraphs verbatim). You should not exceed the limit of 600 words. This is a situation where more is not better.

Step 1: Write Section 1 of the DAA

Provide a context of the journal article.
Include a definition of the specified variables (predictor, outcome) and corresponding scales of measurement.
Specify the sample size of the data set.
Discuss why the journal article is relevant to your career specialization.

Step 2: Write Section 2 of the DAA

Discuss the assumptions of the statistical test used in the journal article.
If possible, identify information in the article that provides information on how these assumptions were tested.
If no information on assumptions is provided, consider this as a limitation of the reported study.

Step 3: Write Section 3 of the DAA
Specify a research question related to the journal article.
Articulate the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.
Specify the alpha level if it is provided in the article.

Step 4: Write Section 4 of the DAA

Report the results of the statistical test using proper APA guidelines. This includes:
The statistical notation (e.g., r, t, or F).
The degrees of freedom.
The statistical value of r, t, or F, and the p value.
Also report the effect size and interpretation it if one is provided.
Interpret the test statistic against the null hypothesis.

Step 5: Write Section 5 of the DAA
Discuss the conclusions of the statistical test as it relates to the research question.

Conclude with an analysis of the strengths and limitations of the study reported in the journal article.

(Part 4) One-Way ANOVA
As with your previous assignments, you will complete this with the DAA Template. Links to additional resources are available in the Resources area. Reminder: The format of this SPSS assignment should be narrative with supporting statistical output (table and graphs) integrated into the narrative in the appropriate place (not all at the end of the document).
You will analyze the following variables in the grades.sav data set: section, quiz3.

Step 1: Write Section 1 of the DAA
Provide a context of the grades.sav data set.
Include a definition of the specified variables (predictor, outcome) and corresponding scales of measurement.
Specify the sample size of the data set.

Step 2: Write Section 2 of the DAA
Analyze the assumptions of the one-way ANOVA.
Paste the SPSS histogram output for quiz3 and discuss your visual interpretations.
Paste SPSS descriptives output showing skewness and kurtosis values for quiz3 and interpret them.
Paste SPSS output for the Shapiro-Wilk test of quiz3 and interpret it.
Report the results of the Levene test and interpret it.
Summarize whether or not the assumptions of the one-way ANOVA are met.

Step 3: Write Section 3 of the DAA
Specify a research question related to the one-way ANOVA.
Articulate the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.
Specify the alpha level.

Step 4: Write Section 4 of the DAA

Begin by pasting SPSS output of the means plot and providing an interpretation.
Also report the means and standard deviations of quiz3 for each level of section.
Next, paste the SPSS ANOVA output and report the results of the F test, including:

Degrees of freedom.
F value.
p value.
Calculated effect size.
Interpretation of the effect size.
Finally, if the omnibus F is significant, provide the SPSS post-hoc (Tukey HSD) output.
Interpret the post-hoc tests.

Step 5: Write Section 5 of the DAA
Discuss the conclusions of the one-way ANOVA as it relates to the research question.
Conclude with an analysis of the strengths and limitations of one-way ANOVA.

Reference no: EM131155254

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