Reference no: EM132251441
Assisnment 1
Create an infographic that outlines the commonalities and distinctions between the following generations:
. Generation Y/Millennials
. Generation Z/Boomlets
Create a set of principles that, if followed, would encourage these groups to interact in a cooperative manner. Include these principles in your infographic. 500 WORDS APA FORMAT
Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).
Assisnment 2 be sure to include 2 references with citation
Write a 175-word response to the following:
. What are the best and worst traits of leaders you have worked with? How did these traits affect your productivity and engagement?
. Regarding leadership traits, what is more important for leading people: hard knowledge of the area you are running or soft people skills?
Write a 175-word response to the following:
. Is professional development the responsibility of the employer or the employee?
. What if the employee is licensed and required to have a license to work?
. Should performance reviews and salary be transparent?
Assignement 3
. Students were asked to respond to the following question Much attention is given to the multi-generational clinician workforce. But what about multi-generational administrative workforce? Are the challenges similar?
. What about interactions between multi-generational clinical and administrative workforces?
Tutor will read each student response thoroughly and provide professional feedback whether you agree or disagree to attachment statements in the amount of 175 words each student response.
Attachment:- Student response.rar