What are the benefits of the exclusionary rule

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13710575

Describe the "Exclusionary Rule" and what it is meant to protect the citizens of this country from.

What are the benefits of the Exclusionary Rule? Explain.

Identify at least two methods of demonstrative evidence which would the concept of "Best Evidence".

You may use scenarios to describe the theory of Best Evidence.

Explain to the newly appointed investigators the absolute adherence to avoiding any evidentiary issue that would result in a "Fruit of the Poisonous Tree" violation.

Explain the ramifications and results of such a violation.

Use at least two scenarios to demonstrate this issue.

Explain to the new investigators the idea behind the courts displeasure with issues like the Christian Burial Speech.

What might it mean in the long run to a serious case just as it did with Brewer v. Williams.

Explain the types of behavior that may result in the application of the Shocking the Conscience of the Court Test. Provide at least one scenario as demonstrative instruction.

Provide instruction that coercion is a clear violation of the constitution.

What areas are violated and what types of behavior are considered coercion.

What are the liabilities of the Exclusionary Rule? Explain. What types of errors can occur?

Explain What ramifications can result from these errors? Explain.

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Reference no: EM13710575

Questions Cloud

What is the magnitude of the maximum gravitational force : A bowling ball (mass = 4.1 kg, radius = 0.11 m) and a billiard ball (mass = 0.38 kg, radius = 0.028 m) may each be treated as uniform spheres. What is the magnitude of the maximum gravitational force
Determine what is the final velocity of the box : An 8-kg box is pushed 10 m across a level floor by a constant 15.7-N applied force. Assuming the Box starts from rest, what is the final velocity of the box at the 10m point
Estimate what is its maximum acceleration : A compact car has a maximum acceleration of 3.0m/s2 when it carries only the driver and has a total mass of 1300kg. What is its maximum acceleration after picking up four passengers and their luggage
Find what are the lowest two frequencies : What are the lowest two frequencies that correspond to resonances on the short axis
What are the benefits of the exclusionary rule : Describe the "Exclusionary Rule" and what it is meant to protect the citizens of this country from and what are the benefits of the Exclusionary Rule?
What are the lowest two frequencies : You know that you sound better when you sing in the shower. What are the lowest two frequencies that correspond to resonances on each axis of the shower
What is the final velocity of the box : An 8-kg box is pushed 15 m across a level floor by a constant 15.7-N applied force. Assuming the box starts from rest, what is the final velocity of the box at the 15-m point
Calculate what is the coefficient of static friction : A force of 67.2N is required to start a 7.0 kg box moving across a horizontal concrete floor. What is the coefficient of static friction between the box and the floor
How much faster does a climber on top of the mountain : A 2700-m-high mountain is located on the equator. How much faster does a climber on top of the mountain move than a surfer at a nearby beach? The earth's radius is 6400 km


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