What are the benefits of the checks and balances system

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133613545


Prompt: The United States Constitution is built around the idea of separation of powers with check and balances. This provides many benefits to our political system and has been credited with protecting America's democracy and allowing America to be the longest-lasting democracy in the modern world. However, at the same time, the system separation of powers with checks and balances also makes it difficult for the American political system to pass new laws and policies, leading to political gridlock where nothing gets done to address long-standing societal problems.

In this response is to address the question of whether overall the system of checks and balances benefits or harms the American political system. In your essay, you should have one paragraph that discusses the benefits of a system of separation of powers with checks and balances. You should include a second paragraph discussing the problems of that type of system, and in a third paragraph you should evaluate whether overall the system of checks and balances has been a positive or negative feature of American democracy.

Be sure to address all three aspects of the prompt.

• What are the benefits of the checks and balances system?

• What are the problems caused by the checks and balances system?

• Overall, is the checks and balances system a good or bad thing for the American political system? In other words, do the beneficial aspects of it outweigh the harmful aspects, ordo you the harmful aspects outweigh the beneficial aspects?

Reference no: EM133613545

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