Reference no: EM13925768
Discussion Questions:
1. What are the benefits of studying sociology? That is, in what ways does understanding the social world make us better people? Better citizens? Better prepared for our careers? (See the "Seeing Sociology in Your Everyday Life" essay in MySocLab).
2. Which of the social sciences (for example: psychology, political science, economics, anthropology, gender studies) strikes you as closest to sociology? Which is most distinct? Why?
3. Sociologists and political scientists both study political behavior. Sociologists and economists both study economic behavior. Is this simply duplication of effort, or do sociologists, with their characteristic perspectives, have the ability to develop insights that might not occur to their colleagues in other departments?
4. Sociologists have in the past several decades developed and refined a specialization called applied sociology. Like applied psychology, it focuses on coping with problems rather than studying what causes those problems. In what ways can sociology contribute to the more effective resolution of social problems at the individual, group, and community levels? Should we promote development of this subdiscipline or would it be better left to the social workers?
Describe an organization with which you are familiar
: describe an organization with which you are familiar and which appears to fit the characteristics of a bureaucracy, as listed in Our Social World: An Introduction to Sociology.
Profit generating mechanism on prices
: In practice, arbitrage refers to the profit generating mechanism on prices that temporarily deviate from the theoretical or perceived equilibrium relationship
Oklahoma manufacturing company
: Oklahoma Manufacturing Company uses a standard cost accounting system. In 2012, the company produced 28,500 units. Each unit took several pounds of direct materials and 1½ standard hours of direct labor at a standard hourly rate of $13.00.
What does that tell us about how to price the options
: Consider a call option with an exercise rate of x on an interest rate, which we shall denote as simply L. If these two options have the same payoffs, what does that tell us about how to price the options?
What are the benefits of studying sociology
: Which of the social sciences (for example: psychology, political science, economics, anthropology, gender studies) strikes you as closest to sociology? Which is most distinct? Why?
Ethical decision making in a workplace
: In this essay I plan to explain the importance of practicing ethical decision making in a workplace by detailing three common characteristics of poor decision making, identifying three methods of resisting unethical requests,
Advent of project management
: Question 1: The advent of project management has been most profound in Question 2: Which of the following is the number one characteristic that is looked for in management candidates?
Gourmand cooking school
: The Gourmand Cooking School runs short cooking courses at its small campus. Management has identified two cost drivers that it uses in its budgeting and performance reports-the number of courses and the total number of students.
Data and explore ways of analyzing
: In Chapter 2, we are going to look at sets of data and explore ways of analyzing that data so that conclusions can be made from that data. Now, it is possible to have a data set that has many as 100 data points or even 1000's of data points.