What are the benefits of globalization on folk cultures

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Reference no: EM131058049

There are two parts to the midterm.

Part I: Essay questions. See below. Stick close to the word count. Write in a WORD document and upload it. I want to print out your exam. There is no time limit on this midterm but plan on spending two hours total in order to give each question full consideration. Maintain academic honesty, see syllabus for statement about student code of conduct. Your midterm will be uploaded through Turnitin which checks for plagiarism.You can use your text book, ppts, and sources on the internet for ideas, but do not use quotes from articles or webpages. Use your skills of analysis and critical thinking and write with your own words.

Part II: Making a choropleth map. I handed out instructions in class and left extra copies in my box in Taylor Hall (first floor offices). I will also upload a scanned copy of the instructions. Note: there are three parts to this assessment: 1: Histogram 2: Map 3: Questions (short answer).

This assessment is to check for how much you are absorbing these geographic concepts. If you are reading the text book, doing the online mastering portion of the class, and participating fully in the classwork and homework you should be able to address these questions with creativity and application.

1. There are five themes of Geography:

• Place: Sense of place
• Region: distinct characteristics
• Location: site, situation, scale
• Space: Movement and spatial interaction
• Connection: Human and environment interaction

Write, in your own words, a definition of each theme as it relates to Human Geography. 200 words.

Everyone who now lives in the Western Hemisphere is descended from immigrants or is an immigrant themselves. Describe where your family, or a portion thereof, came from and how they traveled to the United States and discuss your family history if it includes moving to another part of this country. Tell your family story (even if you are just speculating on what you know) and elaborate about the kinds of issues your ancestors may have faced due to their immigration. Use and boldat least three terms directly from the book about reason people migrate and challenges they face.(If you don't' know your family history, there are many genealogy sites on the Internet to help you find and explore your ancestry, or talk to your parents or grandparents.) 200-250 words.

2. What are the consequences and benefits of globalization on folk/local cultures? Discuss points, use and bold at least three chapter terms, and give at least one example. 150-200 words.

3. What are possible impacts of popular culture on cultural landscapes? Discuss points, use and bold at least three chapter terms, and give at least one example. 150-200 words.

Reference no: EM131058049

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