Reference no: EM132653653
BSBWOR502 Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness Assignment -
You are required to answer questions about each of the topics to test the knowledge required for this unit. Your trainer/ assessor may ask additional questions to clarify or expand on your understanding and will explain the format for submitting answers.
Knowledge evidence - You must be able to provide evidence of the:
knowledge required to effectively complete tasks outlined in the elements and performance criteria
specific requirements outlined in the knowledge evidence
knowledge required to manage tasks and contingencies in the context of the work role
Knowledge evidence - unit specific requirements -
Explain how group dynamics can support or hinder team performance
Outline strategies that can support team cohesion, participation and performance
Explain strategies for gaining consensus
Explain issue resolution strategies
Question 1.1 - Why is it necessary to work with team members to establish and agreed on the team purpose and to identify roles, responsibilities and accountabilities?
Question 1.2 - Successful work teams will have specific targets and goals. They need to measure how well these goals are being achieved and whether their outputs are of the required quality. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will help them measure their success. What are KPIs and how do they apply to the work done by individuals and teams?
Question 1.3 - What support might team members require so they can meet expected performance outcomes?
Question 2.1 - 2.1.a How can team leaders ensure that team members have appropriate input into team decision-making?
2.1.b What are the benefits of directly involving team members in planning, decision making and developing the operational aspects of work?
Question 2.2 - How can a team leader ensure that team members take responsibility for their own work and assist others with their work.
Question 2.3 - You are the team leader for a busy, customer focused technology support centre. Sue is a long-standing member of your team. Her position requires her to answer the telephone, handle face-to-face enquiries regarding technical difficulties, use her knowledge and experience to solve problems and finally to communicate solutions to customers.
Until recently you considered Sue to be very capable. You received good feedback from other staff and customers about her technical ability and customer service skills generally. Recently, however, you have received a number of complaints about her from another team member and from several customers. The complaints relate to her terse and harsh interpersonal skills and her lack of responsiveness when dealing with problems. Things have become so bad that it is having a negative impact on Sue's immediate team mates. One has refused to work with her and another has complained that they are unable to complete their work as Sue is not feeding the paperwork through quickly enough.
How will you handle this situation?
Question 2.4 - 2.4.a To diagnose and resolve challenges in an effective manner there need to be a number of conditions within the team that support this. List six.
2.4.b List at least six ways in which team members might put forward (communicate) concerns, perceived issues, suggestions and ideas for improvement.
2.4.c Although in some cases there will be outliers that require creative problem solving processes, a team leader might, in consultation with team members, develop a range of procedures for addressing issues. List six
Question 3.1 - 3.1.a What advantages are there to the following groups in encouraging participation from all team members?
an organisation
the team as a whole
each individual
3.1.b What are the key requirements for fostering and supporting full commitment in a team situation?
Question 3.2 - In what ways can team leaders support their teams with regard to identifying and resolving work performance problems?
Question 3.3 - 3.3.a What are the key aspects to establishing and maintaining open communication processes with all stakeholders?
3.3.b Your organisation has been making some changes and you have been asked to take on the role of facilitator for a newly formed production team. The team will be made up of some recently appointed employees and a number of long-term employees. You know some of them quite well.
From the list, what actions would you take in developing this team?
Action -
Tell the group the results you want to see-and when you want to see them.
Tell the group how things will be done.
Clarify goals and ask the group how best they can be achieved.
Use I and You in your discussions with the group.
Use We in your discussions.
Tell the group what you plan to do for them and with them.
Ask the group what they would like you to plan and do.
Communicate the rules and procedures you want followed.
Enable the group to develop achievement objectives their way.
Provide all the information the group requests to help in setting objectives.
Restrict information to what you think is necessary.
Criticise the group or members to colleagues or management.
Champion the group to outsiders and strongly support them.
Determine the individual skills, goals, personal values and feelings of group members.
Determine the interests of individual group members.
Discuss personal and professional development needs of individuals.
Tell the group about yourself and your ideas.
Ask group members to reciprocate with disclosures about themselves.
Keep relationships to work-related issues.
Encourage competition between group members.
Encourage cooperation and emphasise the need for constructive conflict resolution.
Collectively determine group norms and values.
State the norms and values the organisation requires.
Explain to the group that the intention is for them to become a self-managing team and clarify what this means.
3.3.c A team leader's behaviour and actions serve as a role model for other members of the team. What does this mean and why is it important?
Question 4.1 - The project you have been working on has generated some communication issues. Specifically they have been:
1. The monthly progress report had a section missing and, when you questioned the authors about it, it turns out that each thought that the other person had done it.
2. Two team members have made comments to you that they think that the new GM 'thinks that they know it all' and is very irritating to work with.
3. You have overheard comments that there is no point doing a good job on the report as management have already written it off and that there was no point talking to you as you always sided with management.
4. The new administration person is not completing their tasks on time and seems to be overwhelmed by what they have to do. You have seen them ask other staff for but despite their efforts, they are still very slow and seem reluctant to ask again. When you ask them if they need help, they say that they are fine.
What factors are affecting the communication in this team? What can you, as team leader, do to correct the situation and restore it to one of open, effective communication amongst all parties?
Question 4.2 - 4.2.a Give an example of when you had to convey good news to your team. Explain how you went about it and how successful you were.
4.2.b Is it easy or difficult to communicate good news? Why?
4.2.c Why is it more difficult to give bad news?
4.2.d Create your own checklist of what to do and what not to do when communicating bad news.
Question 4.3 - Some of your team are feeling despondent about the direction they think the company will be taking as a result of a worldwide slump in commodity prices. As a result they are not putting 100% into the report and their productivity has suffered. You have reason to believe that they might be actively seeking work elsewhere.
You have spoken to the individuals concerned and determined that they do have very real concerns that came about from their own newspaper reading and interpretation of the economic climate. Their concerns were also compounded by a throw-away comment that the CEO made during last month's whole of staff meeting and a decision by executive management to delay issuing the next financial year's forecasts.
Despite your best efforts to allay your team member's fears, they will not be placated and you are very concerned that the team could disintegrate. You decide to raise the issue with the CEO.
Describe what you say and how you broach the subject in order to raise the concerns sensitively but also that result in a satisfactory outcome for all parties.
Question 4.4 - 4.4.a Why is it essential that unresolved issues are brought to a final conclusion?
4.4.b Explain what is meant by following up unresolved issues.
4.4.c Why is it sometimes necessary for a person external to the team to be brought in to resolve issues? List three circumstances when this might be a good idea.
Question 5.1 - Why is encouraging participation in the planning, decision-making and operational aspects of the team's work important for developing team cohesion and what role does feedback play in doing this?
Question 5.2 - Teams can actually work against each other if they are not managed well. List at least four tactics that will help the teams within an organisation work cohesively.
Question 5.3 - Describe 10 principles or strategies for handling/ resolving team conflict.
Performance tasks -
Task 1 - Demonstrate the following task:
Communicate effectively with team members use suitable leadership techniques to ensure that:
the team purpose - expected outputs, objectives, goals and outcomes - is understood
the roles and responsibilities of each team member are clear and there is a shared understanding
everyone understands reporting procedures and accountabilities
appropriate key performance indicators are agreed upon
appropriate support mechanisms are put in place to ensure that the team can meet expected performance outcomes and to develop appropriate performance plans
the objectives and goals of the team fit with those of the organisation
Documented KPIs, performance plans, goals and support strategies can be submitted as proof of performance and third party evidence can support the assessment.
Task 2 - Demonstrate the following task:
Develop policies and procedures and work with the team to ensure that team members:
are actively involved in planning, decision-making and developing the operational aspects of work
are given the opportunity to take responsibility for their own work
are encouraged to assist others
have the skills and knowledge and ability to undertake the required roles and responsibilities
are comfortable bringing issues, concerns and problems to the notice of the team and the team leader so they can be addressed
are given suitable acknowledgement and reward for both individual and team effort
Task 3 - Demonstrate the following task:
Work with team members to ensure that they are able to communicate effectively, take responsibility for their own work and participate in team activities. This could involve holding team meetings to discuss issues or responsibilities or to identify and resolve work performance problems.
It might be necessary to initiate team building activities that help the members of the team work more effectively together.
You need to demonstrate, while leading the team and helping them resolve any problems, that you are an appropriate role model. Work collaboratively with the team to ensure that your own performance meets requirements.
Task 4 - Demonstrate the following task:
Identify stakeholders for the team's performance and provide verbal and written reports as required.
Ensure that managers/senior managers receive information about the team's performance and that instructions or information from management are relayed to all members of the team.
Work with the team to evaluate and take corrective action regarding any issues/ concerns/ problems raised by other stakeholders (internal or external). Implement problem solutions and monitor the implementation.
If there are any issues or concerns that cannot be resolved at the local level inform management and, if relevant, other stakeholders, so they can assist with resolution.