Reference no: EM131985709
1. In no more than two pages, answer the following questions:
• According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), what are reasonable measures to provide data security protecting both trade secrets and customer data?
• What recommendations would you have for Wilmington University for protecting student data?
• What are the BC/DR best practices for any organization?
• What recommendations would you have for Wilmington University Library?
The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 2 pages of content, and, if needed, a reference page.
Access the Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab as an APA resource.
• Read Snedaker Industry Spotlight #2 - Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery in Healthcare
• Read Snedaker Industry Spotlight #3 - Financial Services
In no more than two pages, answer the following questions:
• Based on Spotlight #2, what BIA components would you recommend as critical for the organization?
• Based on Spotlight #3, what BIA components would you recommend as critical for the organization?
• Assume you are assisting with DR/BC planning for the Wilmington University Library. What recommendations would you have for critical and essential business functions for the Wilmington University Library for serving students and faculty?
• Assume you are assisting with DR/BC planning for the Wilmington University Library. What risks would you identify and what recommendations do you have for the Contingency Planning Management Team (CPMT)?
The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 2 pages of content, and, if needed, a reference page.
• Read Snedaker Industry Spotlight #4 - Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses
In no more than two pages, answer the following questions:
• Assume you are assisting with DR/BC planning for a small or medium-sized business (pick one). What recommendations would you have for critical and essential business functions for that business?
• Assume you are assisting with DR/BC planning for the small or medium-sized business (same as above). What risks would you identify and what recommendations do you have for developing a BCP and DRP?
• What recommendations would you make differently based on business size?
The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 2 pages of content, and, if needed, a reference page.
• Read the attached document, "Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) - An Overview" (Case Studies begin on page 19.)
In no more than two pages, answer the following questions:
• Assume you are assisting one of the countries with organizing their CSIRT team. What recommendations would and operating their team?
• Research and explain the US government strategy for a Computer Emergency Response Team. Which agency operates the CERT? What level of funding is provided to the CERT?
• Research how businesses work and interact with the US CERT. What recommendations would you make to Wilmington University to interact with US CERT?
The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 2 pages of content.
5. In no more than two pages, answer the following questions:
• Assume you are assisting one of the businesses with incident response - what one thing should they focus on given their situation?
• Research and explain a recent well published cyber-attack or breach. Also, provide a recommendation for improving incident response.
• Research and explain effect of the cyber-attack or breach had on the business in terms or revenue loss, customer impact, fines levied or loss of brand.
• What recommendations would you make to Wilmington University responding to a cyber-attack or breach
The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 2 pages of content, and, if needed, a reference page.